I did a simple date change on my pending requests and all looked fine on the confirmation page.
When I went back to view my requests, I found that the system had thrown out all my weeks and dates and left me with two out of seven resorts and the wrong timeframes. I had to call II and spent 15 minutes on hold until a rep came on who had to add the resorts and dates again. This is the second time that my edits to pending requests were butchered. Does this happen all the time, or am I just really incredibly unlucky? I'm 2 for 2.....
When I went back to view my requests, I found that the system had thrown out all my weeks and dates and left me with two out of seven resorts and the wrong timeframes. I had to call II and spent 15 minutes on hold until a rep came on who had to add the resorts and dates again. This is the second time that my edits to pending requests were butchered. Does this happen all the time, or am I just really incredibly unlucky? I'm 2 for 2.....