In my ten years of almost-daily searching, I have grown accustomed to just about anything trading power-wise.
Right now we have three weeks Spacebanked. Two are the same week from '07 and '09. The other is a different week from '09. Both of the weeks have had top trading power at one time or another. Right now the three have three different trading powers. The weeks are at the same resort.
This morning was the strangest variation on TP I have ever seen. I was searching for an exchange we do every year, a 2-bedroom 8/6 at Fairham Nashville.
The week that is currently a top trader saw it for Friday, Saturday and Sunday check-ins. The moderate trader saw it for Saturday and Sunday check-ins. The weakest trader saw it for only Sunday check-in only.
In the past, weaker traders haven't seen the 2-bedroom units at all and the moderate traders sometimes only saw the 2-bedroom 6/6s. But check-in day never made a difference before.
Sunday being OK for us, we used the weakest trader.
Right now we have three weeks Spacebanked. Two are the same week from '07 and '09. The other is a different week from '09. Both of the weeks have had top trading power at one time or another. Right now the three have three different trading powers. The weeks are at the same resort.
This morning was the strangest variation on TP I have ever seen. I was searching for an exchange we do every year, a 2-bedroom 8/6 at Fairham Nashville.
The week that is currently a top trader saw it for Friday, Saturday and Sunday check-ins. The moderate trader saw it for Saturday and Sunday check-ins. The weakest trader saw it for only Sunday check-in only.
In the past, weaker traders haven't seen the 2-bedroom units at all and the moderate traders sometimes only saw the 2-bedroom 6/6s. But check-in day never made a difference before.
Sunday being OK for us, we used the weakest trader.