I have a number of tigers deposited with RCI. I would say they all dropped 10K units since the latest overhaul. From what I have read in the various posts/boards, there seems be a consistent theme on that front. My tigers are now in the 155K - 156K range - compared to the 165K+ range previously.
What remains a question is whether trade power actually dropped or units got removed from the system. From the limited time I've actually been able to log in and do actually searching, my tigers are seeing the difficult exchanges (ie. Manhattan Club, Disney's, summer socal/east coast/Banff/Yellowstone). So I would conclude that units have been removed from the system. Where 10K+ units would go, I don't know.
What has been somewhat surprising is the mid-levels and dog-traders side of things. I had two mid-levels that were previously seeing ~100K and ~122K units. Under the new format, they are seeing ~144K and ~154K-155K. In fact, the upper mid-level one has virtually become a tiger, seeing Disney's, MC, etc. My dog was previously seeing ~80K units and now sees ~102K units. So the answer to the question about RCI playing with trading power is a definite yes.
I've also heard that trade power has dropped more dramatically for other people and hasn't been consistent. I know it's a bit early what what do others think.
What remains a question is whether trade power actually dropped or units got removed from the system. From the limited time I've actually been able to log in and do actually searching, my tigers are seeing the difficult exchanges (ie. Manhattan Club, Disney's, summer socal/east coast/Banff/Yellowstone). So I would conclude that units have been removed from the system. Where 10K+ units would go, I don't know.
What has been somewhat surprising is the mid-levels and dog-traders side of things. I had two mid-levels that were previously seeing ~100K and ~122K units. Under the new format, they are seeing ~144K and ~154K-155K. In fact, the upper mid-level one has virtually become a tiger, seeing Disney's, MC, etc. My dog was previously seeing ~80K units and now sees ~102K units. So the answer to the question about RCI playing with trading power is a definite yes.
I've also heard that trade power has dropped more dramatically for other people and hasn't been consistent. I know it's a bit early what what do others think.