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RCI Weeks vs. weeks searches in Points

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  • RCI Weeks vs. weeks searches in Points

    I am trying to use my last great dane super woofer dog trader to get a September week in Myrtle Beach for SIL/BIL. I've been bouncing back and forth between RCI weeks and weeks searches in points and it seems to me that RCI has different inventory now between the two of them. I have even seen where Weeks will have different check-in dates available for the same resort that RCI points has available. Within a few days, the units are either gone or the dates sync up again. These aren't phantoms on either side, I have taken the process up to the point of paying for the exchanges on both sides. Late last night, I found a lot of new last minute inventory in points that was just not there on the weeks side. Three bdr units in HHI in August that I think my inlaws would have considered...just couldn't see them with any trader on the weeks side, let alone my soon to expire deep blue winter week on a North Carolina beach. Something to keep in mind if you have access to both and you are looking for new deposits...

  • #2
    I have noticed this but thought it was normal.

    I guess I've got alot to learn still.


    • #3
      Just another example of thoroughly dishonest RCI royally ripping off its Weeks members for thier OWN inventory.

      Weeks resorts need to start migrating their members to other exchange systems, whether II or independents or both. RCI is hosing Weeks resorts and they need to fight back.

      Points members should not even have access to Weeks inventory in the first place, much less SUPERIOR access.

