From the website...
"SFX only accepts deposits in Prime and High demand seasons as designated below. In addition to these dates below, major events and major Holiday weeks are also considered Prime Demand season.
Bonus Week Promotions: For any Bonus Week promotion, you are required to deposit a week that is within the Prime Demand season only."
I am considering a purchase of Gold Season in Aruba - May 1 thru December 15ish.
What other weeks if any besides July 4th and Thanksgiving week would qualify as Prime demand and get a bonus week?
"SFX only accepts deposits in Prime and High demand seasons as designated below. In addition to these dates below, major events and major Holiday weeks are also considered Prime Demand season.
Bonus Week Promotions: For any Bonus Week promotion, you are required to deposit a week that is within the Prime Demand season only."
I am considering a purchase of Gold Season in Aruba - May 1 thru December 15ish.
What other weeks if any besides July 4th and Thanksgiving week would qualify as Prime demand and get a bonus week?