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Carlsbad Inn and Carlsbad Seapointe info (taxes, m/fs, season)

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  • Carlsbad Inn and Carlsbad Seapointe info (taxes, m/fs, season)

    Awhile back I looked into buying a week at GPP because of RCI's 1 in 4 rule. (So that rule does work to encourage sales.) I held off on buying because of the high m/fs at GPP. I am now considering buying into one of the resorts with lower m/fs in the group (but still slightly hesitant because the m/fs still seem to be on the high side). I've seen different m/fs/taxes quoted on different sales listing. I know there are quite a few GP group owners on this board, and I'd appreciate it if you could identify the current m/fs and taxes, if billed separately, for: 1 or 2BR Carlsbad Inn and Carlsbad Seapointe.

    Also, I understand that GPP bills the taxes combined with the m/fs which means an individual owner can't get the taxes reduced by new resale assessment value. Is that the case with Carlsbad Inn or Carlsbad Seapointe as well? [This can be the deal killer for me as the ability to get my real estate taxes reduced with a reassessment can save quite a lot of $ based on my experience with another So. Cal non GP Group week.]

    Further, I understand all weeks at CI are sold as fixed weeks. For CS, all summer weeks are sold as fixed weeks and I think I've also seen weeks 51 and 52. So all other weeks at CS are floating?

    With regard to floating weeks at CS, it is a pure 1st call 1st reserved system? And how many years in advance can you book the floating weeks?

    Finally, another owner suggested I look into So. Cal Beach Club, but I'm not as keen about going further north and would do so only for purposes of trading (which has the added RCI exchange fees). That's not a mistake, right?


  • #2
    I don't know anything about those particular resorts but in California, the property tax is billed directly by the county which would be San Diego County. Yes, taxes do get reassessed. My timeshare property tax dropped 65% in December 2009.


    • #3
      John, Apparently the tax situation depends on the resort developers. I know Grand Pacific Palisades owners have stated their taxes are all billed directly to the HOA and were told they could not separately challenge the assessed value.


      • #4

        I purchased a 1 bedroom EOY at Carlsbad Seapointe for the same reasons as you state. I just looked at my MF statement and the Taxes are approx. $80/yr. I was fortunate to get a fixed week 27 so don't have to fool with the floating situation. I hope you find something to suit your needs.


        • #5

          Thanks for the info. What is your m/f -- the portion not attributed to taxes? And for you it sounds like the taxes are billed WITH your m/fs by your HOA, right?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Amy
            John, Apparently the tax situation depends on the resort developers. I know Grand Pacific Palisades owners have stated their taxes are all billed directly to the HOA and were told they could not separately challenge the assessed value.
            That is the first time I have heard that for a California resort in my 23 years of timesharing. In fact we had a lengthly discussion a while ago about this subject.

            I don't disagree with you, it is just the first time I have heard of it. You learn something new every day.

            My taxes were lowered to $27.00 /year.


            • #7
              Yes, taxes are billed by HOA. MF are $691


              • #8
                Taxes at CSR and GPP are directly billed though the resort. I would imagine the Marbrisa is the same. I have already tried to see if I could get around it and get a reassessment on better resale values but I was unable to do it.

                The summer weeks at CSR are fixed weeks. Yes they have other fixed weeks as well but many of those weeks including 51 and 52 can be obtained with the floating system as far as I know.

                My week is fixed at CSR so I don't know for sure how the floating system works. You can call the resort to find out.
                "If a Nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.... If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."
                -- Thomas Jefferson to Col. Yancey, 1816


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Amy View Post
                  For CS, all summer weeks are sold as fixed weeks and I think I've also seen weeks 51 and 52. So all other weeks at CS are floating?

                  With regard to floating weeks at CS, it is a pure 1st call 1st reserved system? And how many years in advance can you book the floating weeks?

                  Summer weeks at Seapointe are fixed (Weeks 26-35). It floats all the other weeks. You can reserve 1 year out and I have had no problems reserving the week I want, such as week 25 or 13. There is one lady at the resort that does the reservations. I've called a day or two ahead to let her know I'll be calling on the day of and then contacted on the day (left a voicemail if it's a Sat or Sun) and gotten the week I want.


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the replies. Bummer about the combined tax matter. I knocked off $50 the first year I purchased my So. Cal week by getting the taxes reassessed for my week (because my resort has the county bill it separately).


                    • #11
                      In case anyone is interested, here are the current m/fs (not including taxes) for Carlsbad Inn:

                      1BR = $720.40
                      2BR = 829.13

                      Does anyone have a scanned copy of Carlsbad Seapointe resort map/layout that could be emailed to me?


                      • #12
                        I will be staying in a one bedroom unit at Carlsbad in August. Does anyone have any advice about staying there? In particular, what location in the building is the best place to have a room. Any other comments would be appreciated.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by johnsorg View Post
                          I will be staying in a one bedroom unit at Carlsbad in August. Does anyone have any advice about staying there? In particular, what location in the building is the best place to have a room. Any other comments would be appreciated.
                          Ask for the 3rd floor. The 2nd floor has the potential to get noise from above and below. Some first floor units seem almost underground...not all, but some.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Amy View Post
                            Does anyone have a scanned copy of Carlsbad Seapointe resort map/layout that could be emailed to me?
                            Send me your contact info and I can email you one. It shows all the floors and the specific unit types (A,B,C, etc). As an owner, a person needs it to reserve the unit they want.

