Carlsbad Seapointe Resort 2008 Annual Assessment per vacation week. Property taxes are also billed by the resort but are not on the operating budget where I got the following information. The property taxes for my type c unit were $121.79 so one must add that to the total.
Type Unit (# of units); Operating; Capital Reserves; Total Assessment.
A - 2 BR (39 units): $643.53; $162.39; $805.92
B - 1 BR (18 units): $586.07; $133.09; $719.16
C - 1 BR (25 units): $571.31; $117.71; $689.02
D - 1 BR (13 units): $553.44; $104.96; $658.40
Type Unit (# of units); Operating; Capital Reserves; Total Assessment.
A - 2 BR (39 units): $643.53; $162.39; $805.92
B - 1 BR (18 units): $586.07; $133.09; $719.16
C - 1 BR (25 units): $571.31; $117.71; $689.02
D - 1 BR (13 units): $553.44; $104.96; $658.40