When reserving through Wyndham, do they have particular accommodations, or might one get placed wherever at thier discresion?
Are there regular pools or are they just at the water park?
Are there hot tubs? Are any indoors (in case January weather is chilly)?
How are the restaurant prices? Are some better than others? Tipping? Please relate your experiences.
What's the deal on parking? Valet? Tipping?
What tolls might I expect for getting in and out of the resort?
I have been reading reviews, but it's hard to believe this resort is so much better than other Wyndham resorts.
When reserving through Wyndham, do they have particular accommodations, or might one get placed wherever at thier discresion?
Are there regular pools or are they just at the water park?
Are there hot tubs? Are any indoors (in case January weather is chilly)?
How are the restaurant prices? Are some better than others? Tipping? Please relate your experiences.
What's the deal on parking? Valet? Tipping?
What tolls might I expect for getting in and out of the resort?
I have been reading reviews, but it's hard to believe this resort is so much better than other Wyndham resorts.