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7 weeks in Hawaii overkill?

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  • 7 weeks in Hawaii overkill?

    We're deciding where to go for 6-8 weeks over Dec 14-Jan 15. Could you spend 6-7 weeks in Hawaii over Winter or is that just overkill? Kids said they want to go somewhere not cold and prefer it to be warm.
    Hubby wants to do Europe again and I wouldn't mind spending that time on mainland USA but it's just so cold at all the places we want to visit there.

  • #2
    Be careful. With seven weeks there you might end up Going Native.
    “Maybe you shouldn't dress like that.”

    “This is a blouse and skirt. I don't know what you're talking about.”

    “You shouldn't wear that body.”


    • #3
      Two weeks is longest I've been there. If you do 7 weeks, I think you should try all of the Islands.


      ps. Think I could do 7 weeks.


      • #4
        We spent 4 weeks on our last trip. Enjoyed every minute but we were ready to come home at the end. It was the umpteenth time we have gone there so we've done all the tourist stuff & seen all the sights numerous times. We did 3 islands so travel days took up some of our time. We found a few new to us spots and tasted some new culinary treats but spent the majority of the our time just enjoying the warm climate. 4 weeks was plenty. I could easily spend 7 weeks in Europe since there is a lot more diversity of culture & climate.
        The legitimate object of Government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done but cannot do at all or cannot do so well for themselves”- Lincoln


        • #5
          Our longest there was 3 weeks, and that was on two islands. I think I could have done one more week on the Big Island. I agree if you're going to stay that long, go to multiple islands.


          • #6
            I think if you're doing 7 weeks, it should be on more than one island.
            When we visited, I felt that one week was enough for the Big Island. It is a big island, but there wasn't *so much* to do.
            It has been a while since we visited Kauai, but I think I would probably want over a week for Kauai (we're back this winter, so I can re-assess that).
            And I'd want more than a week for Oahu.
            Never been to Maui or Lanai yet. Or Molokai, which I always think of last but I'll bet it is just beautiful.


            • #7
              4 maybe 5 doing a week in each island, If you want add a week in SF, 7 weeks is over kill and extremely expensive
              Timeshareforums Shirts and Mugs on sale now! http://www.cafepress.com/ts4ms


              • #8
                Steve, haha. Thanks everyone for the very helpful replies!
                I read that Hawaii has some of the best snorkelling in the world. Admittedly, I think it was a US travel survey and didn't include the Great Barrier Reef in Oz. Anyway, that kind of piqued our interest. The fact that there is a volcano to check out is pretty cool for our boys too. But I just don't want to be spending 7 wks hanging out at the beach or in the same part of the world. Maybe we can fly to the mainland via Hawaii and spend a wk or 2 there then?
                Has anyone stayed at a Worldmark there? Which timeshare through RCI would you reccommend for a family of 7? And which island for one a wk or 2? Thanks again!
                Frank, so Hawaii is expensive hey? Drats.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Sydney View Post
                  Frank, so Hawaii is expensive hey? Drats.
                  Food and even supplies go to Oahu first then get boated to the other islands. A loaf a bread at a supermarket will shock you. Big Mac 3X the price as in NY
                  Timeshareforums Shirts and Mugs on sale now! http://www.cafepress.com/ts4ms


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Sydney View Post
                    We're deciding where to go for 6-8 weeks over Dec 14-Jan 15. Could you spend 6-7 weeks in Hawaii over Winter or is that just overkill? Kids said they want to go somewhere not cold and prefer it to be warm.
                    Hubby wants to do Europe again and I wouldn't mind spending that time on mainland USA but it's just so cold at all the places we want to visit there.
                    Wanna adopt a 52 year old who never grew up?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bigfrank View Post
                      Big Mac 3X the price as in NY
                      Just love the Big Mac Index. I found this 2013 Australian menu (unfortunately I don't know if it is accurate) can you comment on the prices please. (I'm hoping Sydney might know some prices)

                      Senior Member
                      Last edited by CarolF; 09-19-2013, 11:02 PM.


                      • #12
                        I think you will really enjoy 5-6 weeks in Hawaii. I would do two weeks on the Big Island, then one to two weeks on Maui, one week each on Kauai and Oahu. Maybe come to SF or LA for a week or two in between. Be sure to let me know if you decide to come to SF. I would love to meet you and your family if I am in town


                        • #13
                          I would do it, especially in the winter. I seem to like warmer weather better than cold anymore. My wife wouldn't as she likes to visit the kids often. The only drawback for me is I might miss my dog.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Sydney View Post
                            so Hawaii is expensive hey? Drats.
                            VERY expensive


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Sydney View Post
                              Steve, haha. Thanks everyone for the very helpful replies!
                              I read that Hawaii has some of the best snorkelling in the world. Admittedly, I think it was a US travel survey and didn't include the Great Barrier Reef in Oz. Anyway, that kind of piqued our interest. The fact that there is a volcano to check out is pretty cool for our boys too. But I just don't want to be spending 7 wks hanging out at the beach or in the same part of the world. Maybe we can fly to the mainland via Hawaii and spend a wk or 2 there then?
                              Has anyone stayed at a Worldmark there? Which timeshare through RCI would you reccommend for a family of 7? And which island for one a wk or 2? Thanks again!
                              Frank, so Hawaii is expensive hey? Drats.
                              I don't know that it has the best snorkeling in the world. I believe there are many Caribbean locales that are better.

                              If snorkeling and the volcano are important then you want to visit the Big Island. The west side of the Big Island has the best snorkeling, because that is where the water is clearest. Next after that would be the west side of Maui.

                              We usually spend 2 to 2-1/2 weeks on Hawaii when we go. I find that is enough time to relax, and after that amount of time I personally feel as if I"m ready to get back home. When we went for a week it seemed to go by too quickly - I felt like I never really settled in. When we extended it to two weeks, I felt as if I could really appreciate the time. But that's about where I'm ready to head back. But the next year I'm rarin' to get back.
                              “Maybe you shouldn't dress like that.”

                              “This is a blouse and skirt. I don't know what you're talking about.”

                              “You shouldn't wear that body.”

