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Seattle in mid-September for 2 days

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  • Seattle in mid-September for 2 days

    DH & I are taking a two week tour of the Northwest NP with Grand Circle and at the end we have opt to spend two days in Seattle. Is it feasible to take a drive to see some of the Olympic Peninsula and back in one day? (our hotel is paid for our stay). We would have to rent a car, or take a tour, and I think DH would prefer a tour so we both can see something.

    We did spend part of a day in Seattle a couple of years ago, and I know there is more to see than Pike St. Market & the Space Needle, so any other suggestions are welcome. I am, also, hoping to drive up to Stanwood to see my 89 yo. cousin. I know...a lot to pack into two days, but once I figure out my options, I can decide what can and cannot be done/seen. TIA.

  • #2
    Yes, you could drive to the Olympics for the day from Seattle but if your going to Stanwood, I'd stay up north and vist the islands in Puget Sound and the San Juans.

    I'll get back to here with more info.


    • #3

      I just got back from 9 days in the area including 5 nights t/s stay in Ocean Shores (we "threw away" two nights there to see more of the region.) I suggest a full day in Seattle, using the GoSeattle pass to see up to five attractions from 9-5:30 or so. Then spend a night up in the Olympic peninsula area, say, at the Lodge at Lake Quinault which has specials sometimes for AAA members (last fall they charged $72/night, and it's a lovely setting). I think the Hoh Rain Forest is a "must see", and if you can afford to stay at one of the lodges in the national park that's the way to go. Have fun!
      "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed and those who are cold and are not clothed."
      -- Dwight D. Eisenhower


      • #4
        The Olmypic Pennisula is full of so many things to do that require flexiblity I can't imagine going on a tour to see them...

        If I had to pick a favorite for just one day, I would drive the entire pennisula and stop at Ruby Beach for a few hours. Here you will find HUGE driftlogs, seashells, a LONG sandy beach to walk, and all these areas were little rivers meet the sea.

        Along the peninsula there is also opportunities to clam, crab, visit hot springs, HOH rain forest, these really kewl troll things near Sequim

        Have fun!



        • #5
          Originally posted by JoAnn
          DH & I are taking a two week tour of the Northwest NP with Grand Circle and at the end we have opt to spend two days in Seattle. Is it feasible to take a drive to see some of the Olympic Peninsula and back in one day? (our hotel is paid for our stay). We would have to rent a car, or take a tour, and I think DH would prefer a tour so we both can see something.

          We did spend part of a day in Seattle a couple of years ago, and I know there is more to see than Pike St. Market & the Space Needle, so any other suggestions are welcome. I am, also, hoping to drive up to Stanwood to see my 89 yo. cousin. I know...a lot to pack into two days, but once I figure out my options, I can decide what can and cannot be done/seen. TIA.
          The Olympic Peninsula is a National Park. But I guess it's not included in your tour of Northwest National Parks?


          You might also consider visiting Mt. St. Helens.
          “Maybe you shouldn't dress like that.”

          “This is a blouse and skirt. I don't know what you're talking about.”

          “You shouldn't wear that body.”


          • #6
            Originally posted by T. R. Oglodyte
            The Olympic Peninsula is a National Park. But I guess it's not included in your tour of Northwest National Parks?


            You might also consider visiting Mt. St. Helens.
            No, Olympic NP is not one on our tour. We leave Seattle, spend a night in Spokane, then go to Glacier NP, up to Banff, Lake Louise, Kamloops, Vancouver and back to Seattle. I wish Olympic NP was on our tour..I shall suggest it to Grand Circle.

            We have decided to rent a car so we can visit my cousin and her family in Stanwood, so that will take care of the one free day we have. We will probably just wander around Seattle area the second day. We fly out early Sunday morning the 17th.

            My thinking (and that is a dangerous thing) is that IF we drive to Stanwood on Saturday the traffic might not be as heavy??? Or is that just wishful thinking?


            • #7
              Should all go as planned, my Whidbey Island reunion should be over on the night of the 14th.

              I'd like to pick the two of you up on the 15th for a FULL day tour of Olympic Peninsula.

              That would give you the 16th for the Stanwood visit.


              • #8
                Originally posted by RESORT2ME
                Should all go as planned, my Whidbey Island reunion should be over on the night of the 14th.

                I'd like to pick the two of you up on the 15th for a FULL day tour of Olympic Peninsula.

                That would give you the 16th for the Stanwood visit.
                Robert, thank you for the very kind offer! We would love to take you up on that offer. But we won't get our final papers until mid August, so until then I don't know for sure where we'll be (there could be last minute changes in our hotel in Seattle) When are you planning on leaving on your trip? I will have a cell phone so we could contact you. Email me with your details and I'll check on ours. OK?


                • #9
                  Dinner in Seattle/ September

                  I would like to see the Seattle area people from this forum plan a dinner for the time JoAnn and Robert are here - September 15???

                  I would be willing to plan a meeting place. PM me for those who are interested!!



                  • #10
                    I would very much like to meet the many.

                    My plan right now is to be in the Everett/Bow/Whidbey area from Sep 11 night thru the 15th. That can be extended to accommodate, somewhat.

                    For my desired tour, MapQuest reports 10 hours to drive the 410 mile loop, ferry across Whidbey to Port Townsend, counter clockwise around Olympic Penn, and thru Tacoma. That doesn’t allow for stops or trail running. That is a very long day.

                    I prefer to run the loop clockwise thru Olympia in the am to make better use of natural lighting, but then there’s the ferry schedule to contend with. There are choice items to see: The ferry crossing from Whidbey, Lake Crescent, Rain Forest, Olympia capital building from the open market, Tacoma Narrows, a meal overlooking Commencement Bay.

                    Within reason, I will most certainly adjust to whatever date works.


                    • #11
                      You will love meeting JoAnn, she is a bundle of joy. I only met her once but I feel like we are kindred spirits!!

                      JoAnn, I took a tourof Seattle and it was great. They knew where to go and ggot to see a lot. I have some pics of Seattle from the cruise if you want to see them. shaggy


                      • #12
                        Thanks for the kind words Shaggy. I feel you and I are kindred spirits (or are we just filled with 'spirits'?

                        DH & I spent part of a day in Seattle in '02, but he wouldn't leave Pike Place Market! He enjoyed looking at all the different foods. And after spending 2 weeks on a bus tour, I'm sure he will NOT want to take an all day bus tour of the OP. We are planning on renting a car and going to Stanwood to see my 90 yo cousin and her new husband of a year and a half! The other day will be open to just exploring the area around the Red Lion hotel on 5th (part of our package deal). I really enjoyed being in Seattle and that area. We'll just have to see how we feel after our tour.


                        • #13
                          JoAnn, what is the date that will work for you to get together in Seattle? Let me know so we can meet. Do Robert's dates coincide with your being here?

                          I could choose a meeting place and put out the word.



                          • #14
                            Hope, our 'free' days after our tour are the 15th & 16th, and we fly out early the 17th. We will be getting back to Seattle sometime on the 14th, but there is a big 'goodbye' dinner with the group that evening. I am waiting to hear from my cousin's son on which of those two days would be the best for driving to Stanwood. It would be nice to meet other TUGgers, IF it works out. We will be flying to Seattle on the 2nd.


                            • #15
                              From today's Seattle Times: Take the ferry just for lip gloss? It's worth it
                              “Maybe you shouldn't dress like that.”

                              “This is a blouse and skirt. I don't know what you're talking about.”

                              “You shouldn't wear that body.”

