I am back in the states for the holidays and was catching up on timesharing on the OBX, and learned that the HOA at Sea Ranch II on the OBX filed for chaper 11 reorganization in bankruptcy in November and closed until that is resolved. They hope to reopen in 6-9 months.
The major problem was that the developer, which had acquired a lot of weeks from individual owners in an unsuccesful takeover attempt after Hurricane Isabell damage, has been refusing to pay m/f's causing a cash flow crisis. The developer has done this based on bogus offsets and on a claim that these newly acquired weeks fall under a provision where the developer pays a much reduced m/f for unsold developer weeks. It was determined that the bankruptcy court was the quickest way to resolve these issues and get the HOA back on its feet. It developed that under VRI management, the developer had been renting out quite a few of these weeks and not even paying the m/f on the weeks it rented out!
The major problem was that the developer, which had acquired a lot of weeks from individual owners in an unsuccesful takeover attempt after Hurricane Isabell damage, has been refusing to pay m/f's causing a cash flow crisis. The developer has done this based on bogus offsets and on a claim that these newly acquired weeks fall under a provision where the developer pays a much reduced m/f for unsold developer weeks. It was determined that the bankruptcy court was the quickest way to resolve these issues and get the HOA back on its feet. It developed that under VRI management, the developer had been renting out quite a few of these weeks and not even paying the m/f on the weeks it rented out!