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Free TS week, Inverness @ Walden Phase II, Tx

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  • #46
    Originally posted by lawren2 View Post
    Oh I hope with all my heart & soul they are.... I can't hold out much longer.

    Mike H
    Wyndham Fairshare Plus Owners, Be cool and join the Wyndham/FairfieldHOA forum!


    • #47
      Originally posted by confusedinSLC View Post
      Dang it. Now I can't get a hold of her. I bet they are all gone.
      I talked with Sandra this morning. She still has a number of July weeks available. 4th of July weeks are now all gone but they still have a reasonable number of the other weeks. You still have a good chance of getting one or two or three.

      BTW, she's not really able to check her emails if you're emailing her because her phone is ringing off the hook.


      • #48
        Originally posted by lawren2 View Post
        Oh I hope with all my heart & soul they are.... I can't hold out much longer.
        Resistance is futile!

        You know you waaaannnt it


        • #49
          I have actually tried to call her about three times and emailed her twice. I just can't get a hold of her.


          • #50
            so if I actually do get a hold of her tomorrow is there a specific week I should request? One that will trade better than another?


            • #51
              Originally posted by confusedinSLC View Post
              so if I actually do get a hold of her tomorrow is there a specific week I should request? One that will trade better than another?
              well since I think we have bought all the week 26's, it's a fair bet their trade power won't be it's usual self.. I would take any summer week mid-June up through mid-August.


              • #52
                Oh, I am weakening! I didn't even need the last timeshare I bought!


                • #53
                  We succumbed and bought one of the only 2-bedroooms left - week 4. In the past when it was permissible to buy one-time use weeks and have them deposited in RCI, I bought 3 of them (blue weeks) and they got us some really nice trades--bulk-banks (Lawrence Welk, Westin Regency in PV, and Morritts Grand) and last minute (to Maui).

                  We were thinking it is too hot in the summertime to go there, although the lake near there seems like a nice attraction.

                  Of course, now we're paying 2006 fees to get the week and the 2007 fees, plus the $75.00 for the deed. Still a good deal, I hope. Hope it isn't too late to deposit in RCI.

                  Like you say at least we'll have company here to discuss it. LOL

                  Check out my Websites:


                  • #54
                    K, well I just got off the phone. I picked up week 27 which will turn into the 4th of July week in 2008. Is that a good week?


                    • #55
                      She did say that if I join RCI this year they will give me a week to put into RCI. Is this a good deal? I was planning on joining II. Would I even still be able to get anything for this year? Help, I have never done this before.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by confusedinSLC View Post
                        She did say that if I join RCI this year they will give me a week to put into RCI. Is this a good deal? I was planning on joining II. Would I even still be able to get anything for this year? Help, I have never done this before.
                        Check with her, but I doubt it. They may spacebank the extra week into RCI, thus she can give you an extra week to RCI. Check membership fee for RCI and II, you can joint both as long as you pay the fee, but it may not make too much sense.

                        Week 27 sounds like a very good week.



                        • #57
                          [QUOTE=Jya-Ning;76366]Check with her, but I doubt it.

                          Check with her about what? You doubt what? I guess I am confused about what you just wrote. She assured me that they have plenty of weeks available for the rest of the year if I wanted to join RCI. I just don't know how trading in RCI works. If I take the week they offered me and put it in RCI would I have to travel before the end of the year?
                          (I was just reading this and I really don't mean to come across as bad as it sounds, I am just ultra confused about how this works)


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by confusedinSLC

                            Check with her about what? You doubt what? I guess I am confused about what you just wrote. She assured me that they have plenty of weeks available for the rest of the year if I wanted to join RCI. I just don't know how trading in RCI works. If I take the week they offered me and put it in RCI would I have to travel before the end of the year?
                            (I was just reading this and I really don't mean to come across as bad as it sounds, I am just ultra confused about how this works)
                            Sorry cause you more confuse. If you deposit to RCI, it has 2 year from the day the deposit week supposed to be used. So, if the HOA put their unused week to RCI, they can give you these week. The trading power depends on what these weeks are. Assume one is travel day at 7/4/06. You can use it until 7/4/08. Assume the other is 10/7/06, you can use it til 10/7/08. Just my guessing, the 7/4/06 maybe better in trading power in this case.

                            If you pay RCI membership fee now and pay MF upto 2007 for that unit, you can also depoist 2007's week 27 to RCI and can exchange to 2009 week 27.

                            Since the week in this year you picked has already pass, so they have to give you a week they already put on the RCI space bank, there may or may not have week 27 in it.

                            Since you mentioned you want to join II instead of RCI, for you to use the bonus week, you have to join RCI. So you may want to check if they also deposit weeks to II. If so, maybe they can give you a week in II instead, so you don't have to pay RCI membership fee just for this year.



                            • #59
                              Originally posted by confusedinSLC View Post
                              She did say that if I join RCI this year they will give me a week to put into RCI. Is this a good deal? I was planning on joining II. Would I even still be able to get anything for this year? Help, I have never done this before.
                              These are weeks that they have spacebanked (previously deposited into RCI). So what they will do is transfer one of them into your RCI account (if you have one). It will be as if you had deposited the week yourself to use for exchanging. I'm will waiting for mine but in all likelihood, you would have 2 years from the banking date to use it for an exchange. I know of one person from TS4Ms that used these spacebanked weeks to pick up an exchange in 2008 already.


                              • #60
                                Looks like Jya-Ning beat me in the replying

