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Site WISH List - I am looking for member feedback!

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  • Site WISH List - I am looking for member feedback!

    I am not making promises that I can get everything that may get suggested but I am looking for ideas of what everybody would like to see added or change. It can be something minor or something more significant. Please try not to focus on what we had before as a lot of that code was hand written by myself and I just don't have a year or so to recode much of that to get it all back the way it was before BUT I am open to suggestions...

    A few known wishes with my current thoughts:
    • DONE: TapaTalk (this is an iphone/android app to view the site)
    • Links Directory - This is a paid addition and I am not sure how easy getting the old links back will be but it is something I will investigate
    • Classifieds - I hate to say it as I spent years writing that software but I am not sure how long it will take before I can recode that to work again
    • Resorts Database and Reviews - Like the classifieds but this code is less complicated so I will likely bring these back before classifieds.
    • Chat Room _ I seriously doubt I will bring this back (Too many security issues)
    • Photo Server - I doubt I will bring this back too (Used too much server space - upgrades were always a nightmare)

    Anyways, let me know what else everybody thinks of and I may or may not be able to get some of these included but I do have another site that is also crashed because of teh hackers and I am going to need to get that one back up again soon too so expect that I may need to split my time.
    Super Moderator
    Last edited by Quarterbore; 06-07-2012, 12:59 PM.

  • #2
    What about a RSS NewsBot? You could set it to search the Major Media RSS feeds & post to a specific forum only for it. Using search Terms like "Timeshare" and "Maintenance Fee" "Vacation Ownership" and/or "RCI" Etc., Ideally if the right keywords are used and the Feeds are kept only to major media(to keep out spam)it could be a pretty effective means to keep an eye on whats going on out there

    I *Think* Vbulletin has one built in already, but i'm not sure about that

    REPLY BY QB: Actually this is something I have used on another of my websites in the past and it is a good idea. It is something Frank and I need to discuss before we implement but yes this would be easy to do and would give us relevent content to help promote discussions on the articles. Thanks for another great suggestion!
    Senior Member
    Last edited by Ridewithme38; 06-06-2012, 12:26 PM. Reason: RSS not CSS...


    • #3
      I think that a functional Resort Reviews database, searchable by region and resort, would significantly boost the value of the site to current and potential members.


      • #4
        I agree that the chat room should be dropped. There seems to be very little interest in chatting about timesharing in the past few years.


        • #5
          What about a chat like they use on facebook. QB: Seriously, don't count on chat as it caused too many problems
          Spellchecker no longer here. QB: Use firefox
          easy links for group membership QB: Contributor page is fixed and working - overview page is gone
          Donation links working QB See above
          the people who donatited in the past are not showing in there id QB: I'll fix it
          Super Moderator
          Last edited by Quarterbore; 06-07-2012, 08:51 AM.
          Timeshareforums Shirts and Mugs on sale now! http://www.cafepress.com/ts4ms


          • #6
            I would prefer if the home page was the forum page rather than the activity stream (which I could do without).

            Reply by QB:
            Well, there are lots of ways to use the site so click the one that works for you.

            Clicking HOME gets you the old portal page.
            Clickinng Forums gets you the list of forums:
            Clicking WHAT'S NEW get you the activity page: http://www.timeshareforums.com/forums/activity.php

            The only issue I see is that sightings tend to full up the activity screen and while I don't have much interest I know others do. So, it would be nice to have a way to opt in or out of some of those forums for the portal pages but doing this may be a bit complicated. The easiest would be to make these OPT IN permissions based but the permissions will get complicated so for now I can ignore it.
            Super Moderator
            Last edited by Quarterbore; 06-07-2012, 08:48 AM.

