I really don't want this moved to the Political Page. So please keep it nice.
I think there is a movement to take away the incentive of the young to dream about a better life, to set goals, to work hard for these goals, never give up until you achieve them, and to become a productive member of society.
Not keeping scores in playing games (teaching it is wrong to be competitive), pass and fail grades only in schools (Everyone is equal and it is not your fault to fail even if you refuse to work for your grades), Government bail outs (Don't worry the govenment will look out for you) are some examples.
I think there is a movement to take away the incentive of the young to dream about a better life, to set goals, to work hard for these goals, never give up until you achieve them, and to become a productive member of society.
Not keeping scores in playing games (teaching it is wrong to be competitive), pass and fail grades only in schools (Everyone is equal and it is not your fault to fail even if you refuse to work for your grades), Government bail outs (Don't worry the govenment will look out for you) are some examples.