Anyone else get this email?
You are receiving this document because a third party has filled a complaint about your business and believes you have contravened the Consumer Credit Protection Act (CCPA).
At this time, the Federal Trade Commission has initiated a formal investigation into this complaint.
It is FTC policy that consumers who have a complaint write a letter to the business to see if they can resolve the problem.
A letter from your customer, including the complaint, can be downloaded from :
(Link deleted)
Please take a moment to consider the details of the enclosed letter.You may also wish to review your obligations under the Consumer Credit Protection Act(CCPA).
Your efforts to resolve the matter described may avoid the need for the FTC to become involved
Where a FTC investigation finds a violation of the CCPA has occurred, charges may be laid.Successful prosecution under the CCPA may result in fines of up to $50,000 for an individual or imprisonment for a term not more than two years, and, if convicted a corporation may be liable to a fine not more than $250,000.
You are welcome to contact us regarding this matter using the following form :
Under the CCPA, the FTC is required to post information about businesses who fail to respond to consumer complaints.
Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20580
(202) 326-2222
You are receiving this document because a third party has filled a complaint about your business and believes you have contravened the Consumer Credit Protection Act (CCPA).
At this time, the Federal Trade Commission has initiated a formal investigation into this complaint.
It is FTC policy that consumers who have a complaint write a letter to the business to see if they can resolve the problem.
A letter from your customer, including the complaint, can be downloaded from :
(Link deleted)
Please take a moment to consider the details of the enclosed letter.You may also wish to review your obligations under the Consumer Credit Protection Act(CCPA).
Your efforts to resolve the matter described may avoid the need for the FTC to become involved
Where a FTC investigation finds a violation of the CCPA has occurred, charges may be laid.Successful prosecution under the CCPA may result in fines of up to $50,000 for an individual or imprisonment for a term not more than two years, and, if convicted a corporation may be liable to a fine not more than $250,000.
You are welcome to contact us regarding this matter using the following form :
Under the CCPA, the FTC is required to post information about businesses who fail to respond to consumer complaints.
Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20580
(202) 326-2222