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Test Your Awareness - SPOT THE PICKPOCKET

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  • Test Your Awareness - SPOT THE PICKPOCKET


  • #2
    While I didn't actually see anyone pick a pocket the guy dressed in black with a jacket over his arms looked suspicious to me. Having a garment over ones arm is a good way to conceal a weapon or hide stolen goods. This guy didn't purchase anything either so his activity in the restaurant is different than those who are there to dine. He is the guy, imo.


    • #3
      It IS him--he does it at about 1:53.


      • #4
        Yep, I also think it was at 1:53.


        • #5
          When you get really skilled you pick pockets using chop sticks.

          “Maybe you shouldn't dress like that.”

          “This is a blouse and skirt. I don't know what you're talking about.”

          “You shouldn't wear that body.”


          • #6
            Those chop suey guys have it figured out ! I wonder if they can catch flies.


            • #7
              It IS the man at 1:53 with the garment over his arm. I cheated by going to YouTube and reading the comments. There were a lot of shady characters in that cafe as far as I'm concerned, I don't think I would have stayed there .

              A friend's bag was snatched by a motorbike rider last week. I couldn't believe that as a well travelled, 40 year old, she didn't know to keep her shoulder bag on the pavement side, rather than the road side.

              I was pick-pocketed at a market by a local teenager who ran away when I challenged him. I told the stall holder that he had taken $5 from my bag, she was disgusted, apologised, said she knew his mother and would make sure she told her. That was over 30 years ago and I can look back and be grateful for that early and inexpensive lesson about 'awareness' while travelling.

              Originally posted by T. R. Oglodyte View Post
              When you get really skilled you pick pockets using chop sticks.
              The other people in the street seem to be blindly going about their business or ignoring the crimes. I try to shoo pickpockets away as soon as I see them pick a target and certainly well before they commit the crime.


              • #8
                Originally posted by CarolF View Post
                I was pick-pocketed at a market by a local teenager who ran away when I challenged him. I told the stall holder that he had taken $5 from my bag, she was disgusted, apologised, said she knew his mother and would make sure she told her. That was over 30 years ago and I can look back and be grateful for that early and inexpensive lesson about 'awareness' while travelling.
                A few years ago I was in the public market in Chichicastenanga in northern Guatemala on a Sunday morning, which is market day. This a huge event; people crowd into the market to do their weekly shopping. If you've ever been to Pike Place Market in Seattle, start there and imagine that it's about ten times as crowded. There are many intersecting aisles in the market where people traveling east-west need to get through traveling north-south. It is a sea of humanity pressed together. If you try to maintain distance from the person in front or to the side of you, people behind you shove you forward. You are totally sandwiched on all sides among people who are total strangers.

                Needless to say, it's a field day for pickpockets, and they target gringos. They work the crowd with razor knives, slicing pockets and collecting whatever falls out. I was advised beforehand - the general advice is to not put anything valuable in a rear pocket or a leg pocket. Front front hip pockets are much more secure. Or put things in pouch around your neck and tucked inside your shirt. I found that the easiest way to navigate was to get behind a Mayan woman toting something on her back (infant or purchased goods), squeeze up against her, and let her clear a path through the crowd. (The Mayan women are very aggressive in navigating their way through these crowds.)
                “Maybe you shouldn't dress like that.”

                “This is a blouse and skirt. I don't know what you're talking about.”

                “You shouldn't wear that body.”


                • #9
                  Originally posted by T. R. Oglodyte View Post
                  Needless to say, it's a field day for pickpockets, and they target gringos. They work the crowd with razor knives, slicing pockets and collecting whatever falls out. I was advised beforehand - the general advice is to not put anything valuable in a rear pocket or a leg pocket. Front front hip pockets are much more secure. Or put things in pouch around your neck and tucked inside your shirt. I found that the easiest way to navigate was to get behind a Mayan woman toting something on her back (infant or purchased goods), squeeze up against her, and let her clear a path through the crowd. (The Mayan women are very aggressive in navigating their way through these crowds.)
                  I love your strategy of getting in close behind the Mayan women, very smart and sensible. My friend's attack has rattled me somewhat and I was hoping people here might share some tips about keeping themselves safe while travelling. Thank you for your tip, I will definitely remember it.

                  It is my friend's birthday and I found the video at a site advertising underwear with secret, invisible zip pockets for travelling. I'm going to order a t-shirt with a pocket in the front and some underpants with pockets in the front hip for my friend. Strange gift, but I think she will love them. A few years ago I bought myself some slash-proof (Pacsafe) handbags. They have an enclosed, high-tensile, stainless steel wire mesh in the body and strap as well as a number of other excellent safety features like hooks to attach the bag to restaurant chairs and hooks to keep zips shut. I also own a very old but beautifully soft and comfortable pig-skin neck pouch which has been my travel companion for as long as I can remember.

                  When my son was a young teenager, I showed him how to 'watch a street' when we travelled and to look for anything out of the ordinary. We would observe and locate the pick-pockets, street workers (and timeshare sellers) and watch for their MO too. On several occasions I've faced a pickpocket who is moving to target me and calmly said "move away" which fortunately has always worked.


                  • #10
                    A good strategy in tight crowded place is to frequently turn and eyeball those near you. People are less likely to try something if they know you have seen them. Observation is always step one in safety. Looking around means looking up and down as well. Walk like a badass. If you appear timid or unsure you can become a victim as the real criminals rarely pick someone that looks hard to deal with. If confronted speak with confidence and position your body somewhat perpendicular or angled to your opponent. This body language makes a statement subliminally to your opponent that you choose to fight. People are wired in the 3 f's which are freeze, flight or fight in this exact order. By using body language that suggests fight most aggressors will choose flight.
                    Senior Member
                    Last edited by easyrider; 09-05-2014, 11:42 AM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by easyrider View Post
                      Walk like a badass.
                      I wasn't sure what that would look like, but I found a wikiHow "How to Become a Badass". I've failed already (too fond of un-badass behaviour I'm afraid).

                      Avoid un-badass things at all costs.
                      Cosmopolitans or any drink that ends in the word "drop." Avoid like the plague.
                      Crossing your legs when you sit down. It bunches up instead of airs out.
                      Manicures and pedicures. Who cares what the forums and neighbors say? Getting your nails done is a badass no-no.
                      Musicals. Something about men and women in tights singing to each other from across the stage isn't very badass.


                      • #12

                        I guess I should have explained it by saying walk with purpose or walk tall or maybe carry yourself with confidence. My wife is small but has the badass look and attitude down. She actually has the skills to back her attitude. She does all of your above list.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by CarolF View Post
                          A friend's bag was snatched by a motorbike rider last week. I couldn't believe that as a well travelled, 40 year old, she didn't know to keep her shoulder bag on the pavement side, rather than the road side.
                          I have a bad habit of periodically shifting it from side to side if I'm walking any length of time.

                          Originally posted by T. R. Oglodyte View Post
                          Front front hip pockets are much more secure.
                          I hope this is true, because this is what I do whenever I think I'll be in crowded conditions. The wallet goes in one front pocket and the camera in the other, even if I'm carrying a purse.

                          Although my other defense against pickpockets is carrying a cheap camera and only one charge card, and I habitually dress down a bit. I try to look like I can take care of myself, while not looking particularly wealthy. Which latter is pretty easy, because I'm not particularly wealthy, but I also don't take my splurge purchases along when vacationing/hanging out in public.

                          Originally posted by CarolF View Post
                          It is my friend's birthday and I found the video at a site advertising underwear with secret, invisible zip pockets for travelling. I'm going to order a t-shirt with a pocket in the front and some underpants with pockets in the front hip for my friend. Strange gift, but I think she will love them.
                          Very thoughtful gift, and I expect she will appreciate it.

                          Originally posted by easyrider View Post
                          A good strategy in tight crowded place is to frequently turn and eyeball those near you. People are less likely to try something if they know you have seen them. Observation is always step one in safety. Looking around means looking up and down as well.
                          Yah. I can be woefully oblivious sometimes, but in crowds I try to stay alert and keep an eye on my surroundings.

                          Originally posted by easyrider View Post
                          I guess I should have explained it by saying walk with purpose or walk tall or maybe carry yourself with confidence.
                          One description I've seen is to imagine yourself as an athlete -- alert and able.
                          Senior Member
                          Last edited by Hobbitess; 09-15-2014, 04:39 PM.

