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When your family tells you to go to the Hospital, Please do so.

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  • When your family tells you to go to the Hospital, Please do so.

    It most likely saved my life yesterday. I am thick headed and wait to the last minute to go when in pain. Yesterday I had the worst Allergic reaction I have ever had in my life from something I ate the night before. I should have listened to my family and gone to the Hospital at 1am when my face was starting to blow up. I waited for 9 am to go to a first med. As soon as I walked in They sent me right in with no paperwork filled out. I had a feeling that was not a good sign. Doc took one look at me and he gave me 2 injections with in 2 minutes of sitting in the room. 1 was benerdrl and the other was a steroid. he did not want to give me an epinephrine injection because my heart rate was up as was my blood pre. He wanted me to wait 20 minutes to see if it helped. No help and now my throat was starting to close even more.
    They called for an Ambulance and I was rushed to the hospital. The Ambulance medic felt I could not wait to give me a shot of epinephrine so i got my first shot ever.
    Once we arrived They not only took me in right away but there was staff waiting for me to come in. It felt like it was something you see on TV. They repeated what shots I received in the Doctors office and added a shot of Pepcid. Pepcid is an over the counter heartburn upset stomach med but is now also being used for allergic reactions. Because I still felt like there was still a frog in my throat they hit me with another shot of Adrenalin. I was watched over with a nurse at my bedside for the first hour. I had to stay 3 hours past my last shot as long as the lumps I had went down as did my lump in my neck went down. When it was over the Doc said I had an Anaphylaxis Reaction and the one I had was a bad one. She said If I waited much longer I would not have made it. What stopped me from going that night was other than being puffed up I had my wits and was walking around. I posted 2 pics thar were taken at around 5 am 4 hours after it started. When I went in the hospital I was even better looking
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  • #2
    Yup, you are right. You need to go immediately to a hospital emergency department. Not a doc in a box. You are a very lucky guy!,,

    Going forward, ALWAYS carry your epi-pen. Always.
    *** My Website ***


    • #3
      Thank God you went just in the nick of time! What a scary situation!

      Curious what set off your allergic reaction? Are you still feeling ill?



      • #4
        Glad to hear that you're OK, Frank. Next time please go immediately to the hospital, and use your epi-pen!

        If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

        BTW, I'm still keeping track of how many times you annoy me.


        • #5
          How frightening. Make sure that you carry your epi-pen with you always.


          • #6
            I never had or even needed an Epi pen. I do get the itches from eatting pork but I still eat it , I just take an allergy pill about an hour or two latter before the itch starts. I will not eat any seafood cause I am allergic to shellfish and I just do not like it.

            I did not think this had to do with food because I did not get itchy. I thought it was an insect bite, When in the hospital I figured that it may have been food. I had these pinwheel steaks that did have a little Pancetta wrapped inside. That might have done it but I there was so little. I never bought these from this butcher before. I also used a Butternut Squash puree that I received as a sample from Amazon. I do not think that caused it but it was a first for eating both of these food items.
            Timeshareforums Shirts and Mugs on sale now! http://www.cafepress.com/ts4ms


            • #7
              Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency and potentially life threatening. You need to see an Allergy specialist for an accurate diagnosis. Knowing the triggers is the first step in prevention.


              • #8
                OMG, Frank! Thank god you were okay. Give your family big hugs and tell them that from now on, you will listen to them!

                And yes, an emergency room would have been a better first choice. Those little emergi-med places are only good for things that are not actually emergencies.


                • #9
                  All's well that ends well. However, you have paid some tuition in the school of hard knocks and learned a valuable lesson!
                  M. Henley


                  • #10
                    You were a stubborn cuss, Frank! Glad you eventually went and got the help you needed....your family needs you!!


                    • #11
                      thank heavens you got there.
                      Frank, my father had a stroke at work many years ago. Instead of telling anyone, he drove home, quite a way, he got in the house and collapsed. My mother never drove, got an ambulance, he was 72 and was crippled the rest of his life. All his life his nickname was cobby, short for cobbatost, which is Italian for hardhead.


                      • #12
                        If you can't walk it off, go to the doctor or the ER. I didn't have a doctor until about 15 years ago.


                        • #13
                          Glad you finally went. I have the same thing with bee stings.


                          • #14
                            Thank God everything turned out okay.
                            Perpetual Motion ~ Going Nowhere Fast!!


                            • #15
                              You were lucky. If there is a next time don't wait , just go to ER.

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalkp

