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Major life change

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  • Major life change

    We decided to move to an over 55 community about a half hour from here. I have been in my home for over 30 years and have accumulated 30 years worth of stuff. We raised our children here. It was a hard decision to make, but the yard has gotten to be too much, and the neighborhood has turned over with young families again.
    Any advice on making the transition?

  • #2
    How soon are you going to make the move? We downsized (and also moved to another state) when we retired, but we started getting rid of stuff a full year ahead of time. We only took things, furniture, etc. that we knew we'd have room for. We also checked to see if there was anything our daughters wanted. One of them is still somewhat transient so we're still storing a few things for her.

    We found after the move that we'd done pretty well. We only found a few small things that we thought we'd gotten ride of and so far we haven't said "Oh, we shouldn't have gotten rid of THAT!"

    Good luck.


    • #3
      Are you moving further East
      Timeshareforums Shirts and Mugs on sale now! http://www.cafepress.com/ts4ms


      • #4
        Originally posted by bigfrank View Post
        Are you moving further East
        Yes, out to Calverton. Exit 73, end of the LIE.


        • #5
          Originally posted by jackio View Post
          Yes, out to Calverton. Exit 73, end of the LIE.
          You will enjoy the Gruman air show free of charge
          Timeshareforums Shirts and Mugs on sale now! http://www.cafepress.com/ts4ms


          • #6


            • #7
              Congratulations making the decision. That is the hardest part.


              • #8
                Originally posted by jackio View Post
                Yes, out to Calverton. Exit 73, end of the LIE.
                What a beautiful area! Hopefully that in itself will help ease the transition.


                • #9
                  Nice. I really envy you. I would like to downsize and move some where warmer but my wife likes this area and this house too much. She picked the plan and I built it about 25 years ago. Just when all our kids were about moved out my grand daughter has moved in and is starting college this fall.

                  Even though I envy your move, the packing and deciding what doesn't go has to be tough. I guess that is what storage units are for.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jackio View Post
                    Yes, out to Calverton. Exit 73, end of the LIE.
                    Closer to me

                    We just "sorta moved" out of our home of 26 years. Start going thru stuff now, sell on Craigs List or give it to charity. Ask Th kids if they want anything and then have them take the items NOW.
                    Big Brother/Big Sisters will pick up at your house. Two times a week drop off a car load of stuff at Savers near Costco on your way home from work.

                    We used our finished basement as a storage area after the kids outgrew using that space (no accessible attic). It took me 3 weeks to go thru all the stuff and divided the space into keep and give away. DH went thru the garage. And we generally looked around the house for what we didn't want. Then we called 1-800-Got Junk. Wow, were they great. They came and looked at th stuff as I recall then came back with a crew of 6 and moved it all in abiut 3 hours from the basement, first and second floor. They even took an old washing machine that we had recently replaced. I believe the cost was about $750. Cost is based on how many dumpsters they need to bring.

                    My issue is that we still own our old home and rent it furnished. So now I have two house with "stuff" Help me!!!

                    Best of luck with the move !!!
                    *** My Website ***


                    • #11
                      I guess it will be some time this summer.

                      Pat, good ideas.
                      It seems like all our extra rooms are turning in to "storage rooms" Crap, crap, crap. All over. argh...


                      • #12
                        When we moved out of Illinois, my motto is one ton a week. Thirty years of stuff. Our plan was to buy in Florida and move stuff down there. Stupidly rented a storage unit and it took us eight years to empty it.

                        Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by rapmarks View Post
                          When we moved out of Illinois, my motto is one ton a week. Thirty years of stuff. Our plan was to buy in Florida and move stuff down there. Stupidly rented a storage unit and it took us eight years to empty it.

                          Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
                          Definitely not getting a storage unit. It is overwhelming, but we will just have to do it. I take solace in the fact that now my children won't have to do it when we are gone.


                          • #14

                            Congrats on your decision and your move. I hope you find life beautiful and simpler after all is said and done. Funny how this happens. Spend all those years buying and collecting, especially with children. Now, I look around and think, where did all this crap come from? I don't need all this. You are on a forced downsize for sure, I'm going to try to do it along the way. But what's that saying? If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would done? That's so me. Good luck with your last minute downsize


                            • #15
                              Storage units are the new money pits. Cheaper to throw stuff away.

