Just wondering if anyone gains by using credit card to pay bills. Do certain cards give a better return than others? I make purchases all the time with SAM'S CLUB card. It give a 5% kick back on gasoline. Does anyone use the Wyndham Rewards Card? Do you really gain, or is that a rip off? Can I gain a sizable rebate making our car payment with a credit card?
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Making car payments using credit card to gain a kickback.
Wife has Costco card, Me I prefer to get FF miles so it updatesTimeshareforums Shirts and Mugs on sale now! http://www.cafepress.com/ts4ms
I have several cards, so I always get at least 2% back and often 5% on all charges and sometimes even more. Some have limitations on how much you can earn in a year. The City Double Cash Card gets lots of use at a constant 2% back.
True for me too. Also I get an extra charge when using a card for maintenance fees, so I pay that by check. Many resorts will accept a card payment without an added fee.