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First virus, now riots - anyone here impacted?

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  • First virus, now riots - anyone here impacted?

    Wow, we went from concern about a virus to concern about violent riots. Has anyone here been impacted by the riots yet?

    We thought this was a big city thing and we were immune, but a small city in our area was hit yesterday evening with rioters accosting people in restaurants and an attempt to burn the courthouse. Now a Facebook post is up calling for people to come to the waterfront in our town at 5:30 for a demonstration, and it mentions bringing in buses, which means outsider agitators. Their organization point is only a few blocks from our house. When this stuff reaches a town of 10,000, it is scary. My neighbors are getting their guns and ammo out to be on the safe side if the rioters try to start burning things. A downtown gun store has moved all its stock to an undisclosed location as they feared they may be a looting target. I heard that from a neighbor who went there to stock up on some more ammo.

  • #2
    Many of the looted businesses were barely keeping up with covid 19 concerns. Most will have insurance. Some won't. I think this is somewhat orchestrated.


    • #3
      There were 2 protests in our small town yesterday, one with about 100 people and one with about 300. Thankfully, both were peaceful.


      • #4
        I am about a mile from the Queens center mall, I hear that they will be protesting there.
        Whats going on is ridiculous, Protesting is one thing looting is another and should be dealt as a robbery, The store owners did nothing wrong.
        Timeshareforums Shirts and Mugs on sale now! http://www.cafepress.com/ts4ms


        • #5
          I am about a mile from the Queens center mall, I hear that they will be protesting there.
          Whats going on is ridiculous, Protesting is one thing looting is another and should be dealt as a robbery, The store owners did nothing wrong.
          Timeshareforums Shirts and Mugs on sale now! http://www.cafepress.com/ts4ms


          • #6
            Living in a suburb of Minneapolis, it is a big issue. Between the burning, rioting and distruction, plus the curfew and highway lockdowns, and near 24 hour new coverange, it is always there. I went to my local big box hardware store and found pallets of lumber and plywood that were stacked up blocking windows with more pallets that are moved in front of the doors at night. The city has been shut down at 8pm, so anything you need-get it early. Curfew has been extended until Wednesday morning.

            Welcome to ground zero.


            • #7
              Our town of 10,000 is under curfew as are some other nearby towns.

              We dodged a bullet this evening. Our police and sheriff's department blocked streets around downtown and the waterfront a couple of hours before the demonstration was scheduled to start, so anyone attending could not go by vehicle. The waterfront was to be ground zero for the rioters. The sheriff's department also intercepted the buses with the outside agitators, who were the real danger, and did not let them through. These were apparently the same group of outside agitators that hit a nearby town yesterday, ginned up a crowd of 500 to 1,000 depending on whose estimate one believes and began some mayhem, but not too many locals there were willing to go along with the level of violence the instigators wanted. In our town, a small crowd of locals turned out, and with no outside agitators allowed in to push violence, everything turned out to be peaceful.

              I think that there are many sincere people deeply concerned about the travesty of what was done to Mr. Floyd, but they are being used as cannon fodder by people with a more sinister agenda.


              • #8
                I live only about 1 mile from the D.C. line, in an extremely diverse area, and nothing is going on here. It's like the outside world doesn't exist. And yes, we are out and about every day, masked but out. We would go bonkers staying in. Grocery store and dinner carry out is an every day event, also go to the now open stores. We also spent 2 weeks in a next door neighbor state in a time share, had a great time. Only 5 units in the whole resort were occupied. We will be heading out again in a week. If the d... borders in Europe ever reopen to the USA we are heading to whoever opens first. Have a trip booked to Bavaria starting July 3rd and REALLY hope Angela Merkle opens up the borders to us. United has told me that if there is a problem getting in we would be stopped from boarding at the airport. We will just show up and if we can't board just head home. Nothing ventured nothing gained.


                • #9
                  Corona virus has 6 people infected in town with one death. The closest thing to a riot here occurred when they tried to close the East side of town Post Office around 8 years ago. As many as 30 people descended on that Post Office. The post office is now only open half a day, there is no longer a postmaster and many people opted out of having a post office box and now have the mail delivered to a street mail box. Of course they lied about what they said they were going to do.


                  • #10
                    The virus caused me to work more hours to keep up with the demand for the bleach we make where I work. Here in Niagara Falls the protests were peaceful with almost no problems at all.


                    • #11
                      Protests in the biggest city close by (20 miles) today - mostly peaceful though a car with trump signs on it gotta a little roughed up.


                      • #12
                        Today , three bus loads of protesters showed up. Walmart, Target , Costco and many other businesses closed and barricaded. The word went out and many regular people went to protect our town. Washington is an open carry State so there will be plenty of armed citizens on the protest routes. What I don't get is why are people coming to our city to protest ? The Federal Marshal's are here today I hope to arrest people that crossed State lines to protest.

                        In a city hours north of here the city residents stopped two bus load of protesters by gathering near the buses. Most of the residents were armed and the protesters decided it wasn't worth the effort.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by mav View Post
                          I live only about 1 mile from the D.C. line, in an extremely diverse area, and nothing is going on here. It's like the outside world doesn't exist. And yes, we are out and about every day, masked but out. We would go bonkers staying in. Grocery store and dinner carry out is an every day event, also go to the now open stores. We also spent 2 weeks in a next door neighbor state in a time share, had a great time. Only 5 units in the whole resort were occupied. We will be heading out again in a week. If the d... borders in Europe ever reopen to the USA we are heading to whoever opens first. Have a trip booked to Bavaria starting July 3rd and REALLY hope Angela Merkle opens up the borders to us. United has told me that if there is a problem getting in we would be stopped from boarding at the airport. We will just show up and if we can't board just head home. Nothing ventured nothing gained.
                          Like the US, it is state governments in Germany that control the lockdowns. Bavaria's leader is one of the toughest, and he has been nicknamed "Herr Lockdown". That said, in general Germany is reopening quicker than many countries, and a recent report from the restaurant booking site OpenTable said that restaurant bookings in Germany, including internet, telephone, and walk-in dining has returned to normal.

                          Two European countries that never did lockdowns were Sweden and Latvia, so those will be open to visit. Both are beautiful counties and rather close to each other across the Baltic.
                          Super Moderator
                          Last edited by Carolinian; 06-06-2020, 11:54 AM.


                          • #14
                            The desecration of historic monuments is also appalling. In Washington, that included the Lincoln Memorial and the World War II memorial, as well as a statue of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of India's independence. In London, a number of historic monuments were vandalized on D-Day by BLM supporters including the statue of Sir Winston Churchill on Parliament Square.

                            In San Antonia, ANTIFA made threats to attack the Alamo, leading public spirited citizens to arrive with their guns to defend it if necessary. In Boston, rioters damaged the monument on Boston Common to the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, the heroic black regiment from the War Between the States made famous in the movie "Glory". A historic church near the White House that dates back to 1816 was set on fire by the rioters but fortunately saved before too much damage was done.

                            This seems to be an all encompassing attack on our history and our culture.


                            • #15
                              I guess no one saw the future pitfalls of slavery. From what I've see ANTIFA is a loose knit group of anti-fascists with no particular single agenda or authority - hence a right wing conspiracy target. I thought Obama came and took those Texan guns, or was that another right wing conspiracy ?

