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First virus, now riots - anyone here impacted?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by easyrider View Post
    Originally antifa was a group of people that opposed hate, especially racism, by protesting white supremacist groups is what I read. Now they have morphed into a disruptive bunch of idiots as the leadership has all grown too old to be relevant to many of the hired new members. Often times in the PNW, antifa will pay young people $25 an hour to join their protest meaning antifa has been bought by someone with a political agenda. If you watch a few videos of these idiots you can see they don't know what they are protesting for the most of them. A group of masked antifa people beat up a black guy because they thought he was gay. They actually used the n word while kicking the crap out of him. I don't like racism but I really dislike bullies. Antifa in the PNW is a bunch of bullies that only bother those they think they can bully because they have the numbers. Why else would these idiots think it is ok to do the destructive crap they do. Antifa members wear masks so they can commit crimes and not be identified on camera which is really cowardly, imo.

    I have no use for these idiots. The destruction they caused to many low income communities will only make life tough on these communities. Antifa doesn't care as they are bused in from other areas.
    Antifa was formed in the 1980s in Berlin in the squatter communes, uniting the anarchists and communists. Ifs logo features the black flag of the anarchists next to the red flag of the communists. It took the name of the paramilitary organization of the Weimer-era German Communist Party, but has no direct connection to them as the original Antifa was defunct for decades. It spread around Europe first and more recently to the US. It has always been very far left, or as some would say alt-left. Although some compare its tactics to the KKK, they actually developed from extremist groups in Europe.

    In France, there have been a number of arrests for several plots to attack the police either with firearms or explosives, and Antifa has pulled off one operation of burning a bunch of mail trucks. In Germany, Antifa was implicated in an assassination attempt of a member of the Bundestag (parliament). There have been incidents in several countries of Antifa assaults on right of center activists. They were implicated in various threats against right of center figures including threats to gang rape the German teenager who is called the anti-Greta Thunberg, Naomi Seibt. They are most known for their hardline tactics at various left wing political demonstrations.

    Antifa activists in demonstrations can often be identifed by their wearing black, the color of anarchism which they seem to prefer to the red of communism. They are often completely in black and wear masks. Some states ban the wearing of masks as part of anti-KKK laws. North Carolina, for example, has such a ban.


    • #32
      Sounds like bullshit to me. Antifa's history in Europe .goes back to the 1920's and 1930's when they formed to fight against fascists such as Hitler and Mussolini. The only group identified so far for involvement in he riots is a right wing group that wants to overthrow the government. Trump and his toadie Barr are just looking for a boogie man and an anti- fascist group fits as the pro-fascist orange blob's ideal target.


      • #33
        Even IF antifa started out good they have turned out pretty bad. Tony, you claim that antifa isn't the problem but the many videos of the violence and destruction are showing otherwise. I guess you think white right wing groups have infiltrated BLM and antifa, lol. That is funny like when Clayton Bigsby joined the KKK.


        • #34
          I think it is sad for America when the president wants to designate a group as terrorists when there is no indication that they are. Ask the FBI hat they have seen and they will tell you that only a right wing group was involved and their purpose is to overturn the government.


          • #35
            These antifa idiots finally pissed of the biker gangs. Rival gangs Hells Angels and Mongols have decided to war with antifa in Seattle on July 4th. So what this actually means is even the bad guys hate antifa.



            • #36
              I suppose that if trump said the catholic church was a terrorist organization there would be groups of morons that would be burning down churches. Didn't something like that happen in Germany around 85 years ago.


              • #37
                Originally posted by tonyg View Post
                I suppose that if trump said the catholic church was a terrorist organization there would be groups of morons that would be burning down churches. Didn't something like that happen in Germany around 85 years ago.
                I suppose IF the Catholic Church members acted like antifa then you might be onto something but they don't and never will. I think the real reason antifa masks up is if their parents find out their kids are acting this way they would cut them off, lol.

                I heard the Gaurdian Angels in Manhatten were protecting businesses by just standing in front of the doors and window and they were assaulted with bricks and pipes. One guy lost an eye. How is this right ? In Seattle a 25 year old girl was caught after setting fire to a few police cars. I hope they make an example out of this with a harsh sentence.


                • #38
                  So how many ANTIFA members have been arrested, who are they, and what was the charge. I believe you believe everything you hear.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by easyrider View Post
                    Opposed to hate or opposed to everything ? BTW, antifa has been masked for years, its not a covid thing.

                    And bugger off on the stupid comment. You know it is true about the concealment with masks and antifa. Why do you like them so much.
                    Antifa has also had a playbook that includes destruction of property, public and private, to try to get a disproportionate response from police, which they can then call "fascist". Attacking police has also long been part of their playbook. Just last month, some Antifa activists in France were arrested for plotting assassination of police officers and they had already acquired the guns to do it, and that is not the first time they have been arrested in France for plotting assassination of police.

                    Police raids on Antifa in France last month also included uncovering an Antifa bomb factory:

                    Antifa began in the squatter communes of Berlin as an alliance of anarchist and communist activists, and they took the name of the paramilitary wing of the German Communist Party of the Weimar era. They spread around Europe from there, and eventually, their UK organization colonized the US. Their logo features the black flag of anarchism and the red flag of communism together.
                    Super Moderator
                    Last edited by Carolinian; 06-15-2020, 08:34 AM.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by tonyg View Post
                      Sounds like bullshit to me. Antifa's history in Europe .goes back to the 1920's and 1930's when they formed to fight against fascists such as Hitler and Mussolini. The only group identified so far for involvement in he riots is a right wing group that wants to overthrow the government. Trump and his toadie Barr are just looking for a boogie man and an anti- fascist group fits as the pro-fascist orange blob's ideal target.
                      The antifa of the 1920s and 1930s was the paramilitary wing of the German Communist Party. They did not function outside Germany. Yes, they did fight Hitler's brownshirts, a comparable organization, but they also fought the center-left Social Democrats, and the populist right German Peoples Party and German National Peoples Party. Indeed, they fought all other parties other than the Communists. The current Antifa has no connection to them other than having adopted their name.

                      It is curious to me how an organization that claims to be "anti-fascist" can participate in mob action to deface a statue of Sir Winston Churchill, the outstanding leader who led the fight against fascism within the British government before World War II, opposing Neville Chamberlain's appeasement of Hitler, and then led the wartime fight that eliminated the Nazis and fascists. Antifa was also involved in desecrating the Cenotaph, a war memorial in London to the soldiers who actually fought fascism on the battlefield. The use of the term "anti-fascist" for Antifa smells a lot like Orwellian "newspeak" to me.
                      Super Moderator
                      Last edited by Carolinian; 06-15-2020, 08:45 AM.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by tonyg View Post
                        Sounds like bullshit to me. Antifa's history in Europe .goes back to the 1920's and 1930's when they formed to fight against fascists such as Hitler and Mussolini. The only group identified so far for involvement in he riots is a right wing group that wants to overthrow the government. Trump and his toadie Barr are just looking for a boogie man and an anti- fascist group fits as the pro-fascist orange blob's ideal target.
                        The antifa of the 1920s and 1930s was the paramilitary wing of the German Communist Party. They did not function outside Germany. Yes, they did fight Hitler's brownshirts, a comparable organization, but they also fought the center-left Social Democrats, and the populist right German Peoples Party and German National Peoples Party. Indeed, they fought all other parties other than the Communists. The current Antifa has no connection to them other than having adopted their name.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by tonyg View Post
                          So how many ANTIFA members have been arrested, who are they, and what was the charge. I believe you believe everything you hear.
                          I don't know. It depends on the city because it would not be a problem in my city to arrest anyone committing a crime if you can catch them. In the larger cities of Portland and Seattle many of the protesters parents are very wealthy and can afford the better attorneys. Because antifa wears the same colors and masks the defense has an advantage in court if the perp isn't positively identified.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Carolinian View Post
                            The antifa of the 1920s and 1930s was the paramilitary wing of the German Communist Party. They did not function outside Germany. Yes, they did fight Hitler's brownshirts, a comparable organization, but they also fought the center-left Social Democrats, and the populist right German Peoples Party and German National Peoples Party. Indeed, they fought all other parties other than the Communists. The current Antifa has no connection to them other than having adopted their name.
                            Thanks for the history lessons. I didn't realize how nefarious this group was. I don't like them or any group that conceals their identities to commit crimes.


                            • #44
                              So you blame a formerly unknown and undoubtedly different one from the 1920's and 30's for being terrorists, but you can't seem to find one that has been arrested. Doesn't sound to me like you know what you are talking about.


                              • #45
                                How come Carolinian knows so much about the NAZI's ?

