Well it looks like playing the waiting game and bottom fishing is paying off.
I bought some shares not many to bad of GTW at a $1.40. now the big question is, When do I get out? It is at just over $2. I would like to sell at $2.50 but my Goomba thinks $2.30 is the mark. If stocks fully rebound I see this stock back to $4 in no time.
Now Ford has me smiling away finally. I bought this a few times below 8 and below 7. I received a few dividends but is it time to sell or let it ride. With gas prices coming down and new models coming out in 2-3 months this stock might do well and hit over $10. What is a good sell price.
BTW watch JDSU, CMGI, they are low and can make a come back. JNPR is low as well but has been coming back. Tony likes TMR, It is at a good price but I see energy stocks coming down.
One risky move I made as I was bottom fishing was to reinvest in DSLN. the stock hit 3 cents so I bought a few more thousand shares. I had bought it when it was 60 cents so why not buy it at 3 cents. Any way the stock is at 5 cents and can move up. From what I hear they might be bought out.
I bought some shares not many to bad of GTW at a $1.40. now the big question is, When do I get out? It is at just over $2. I would like to sell at $2.50 but my Goomba thinks $2.30 is the mark. If stocks fully rebound I see this stock back to $4 in no time.
Now Ford has me smiling away finally. I bought this a few times below 8 and below 7. I received a few dividends but is it time to sell or let it ride. With gas prices coming down and new models coming out in 2-3 months this stock might do well and hit over $10. What is a good sell price.
BTW watch JDSU, CMGI, they are low and can make a come back. JNPR is low as well but has been coming back. Tony likes TMR, It is at a good price but I see energy stocks coming down.
One risky move I made as I was bottom fishing was to reinvest in DSLN. the stock hit 3 cents so I bought a few more thousand shares. I had bought it when it was 60 cents so why not buy it at 3 cents. Any way the stock is at 5 cents and can move up. From what I hear they might be bought out.