Originally posted by Joestein
The TUG BBS is free for all but TUG members have privileged access to things like reviews and sightings. Some TUG members do not like people who are not TUG members posting on the site as they regard these lesser people as freeloaders. So the TUG members who feel that way are the ones with the problem.
On another note, TSFMs does not abhor respect and rules. For instance, try swearing at someone or their mother and you'll see that the mods are not all asleep here.
The problems that are being discussed now are TUG problems, make no mistake about that. They are not TSFMs problems. They just spill over here because TSFMs allow respectful disagreements and for the most part, even public disagreement with this site. So TUG members who know they would not get anywhere raising their opinions and thoughts over there post them here. I see nothing wrong with discussing issues that crop up anywhere that members feel they want to discuss but as you can imagine, it causes quite a few headaches over here. Members should be free to discuss anything here without fear of reprisals from mods over there.
Members are not children to be seen but not heard and not be allowed to disagree or work issues through via discussion. We are all adults here. It is healthy to discuss issues that arise. Of course once it becomes an obsession, then that's a whole other story!