My 11 yr old grandson called me today to report on his first day of the school year. He started in a school for advanced students for the 1st time and I was anxious to hear his report. Everything was great except his teacher. He has 4 friends there but they are not in the same class, That's ok because he can see them at lunch. He's going to have Latin but that is ok. Lunch is $3.25 but for .50 cents more he can get a slurpy and since that is only .25 more than lunch last year, that is ok too. Just don't tell his mother the extra is for a slurpy. He sent his sister out of the room to tell me that in private.
Science has always been his favorite subject but since his homeroom teacher is his science teacher, he doesn't think he'll like science any more. His homework for tonight was to write 1 page about what he did this summer. Since he did so many things, it took 1 whole page to list everything so he couldn't elaborate on anything.
I'm just so glad that I have Grandchildren to reawaken the memories of my 3 sons' childhood. How soon we forget. Childhood is so precious and innocent.
Science has always been his favorite subject but since his homeroom teacher is his science teacher, he doesn't think he'll like science any more. His homework for tonight was to write 1 page about what he did this summer. Since he did so many things, it took 1 whole page to list everything so he couldn't elaborate on anything.
I'm just so glad that I have Grandchildren to reawaken the memories of my 3 sons' childhood. How soon we forget. Childhood is so precious and innocent.