I received a new camera for Christmas. finally decided to download to computer. The USB cord is missing. Looked everywhere. to order on line it is 20 bucks plus shipping. must be another way? It is Samsung AD3900147A, replaced by AD 3900161A. any other ways to get this cable?
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USB cord disappeared
Originally posted by rapmarksI received a new camera for Christmas. finally decided to download to computer. The USB cord is missing. Looked everywhere. to order on line it is 20 bucks plus shipping. must be another way? It is Samsung AD3900147A, replaced by AD 3900161A. any other ways to get this cable?
You might also look for a set of universal USB adapters; I have a little pouch that has about six different USB that convert various small size USB connectors to a standard size adapter that will connect to any conventional USB cable. It's been most handy over the years.“Maybe you shouldn't dress like that.”
“This is a blouse and skirt. I don't know what you're talking about.”
“You shouldn't wear that body.”
Most newer computers have a SD slot that if your camera uses an SD card, you can take the card out and pug it into the computer. This assumes that you have software on the computer for pictures.
I did try putting the Sd card in the slot, but it wouldn't open.
We had two power outages today. Now my printer won't print, it says it is printing, but nothing is happening. so another frustration.
Second call on my dishwasher today, and this time they deemed it to be the fault of the garbage disposal. I thought I had bought a contract for product replacement but apparently not. I buy the product from them and they will install it. $189 for a 1/2 hp disposal, which I know costs a lot less cause I just bought one for up north.
so i am having a bad day, in between getting an MRI o my knee, which is also shot.