Anyone know why web pages seem to dim
when switching back & forth using the arrows
along bottom search bar in internet explorer?
Mini Review
HP 15.6 inch laptop computer with
AMD dual core 4GB ram 500 GBHD
First Windows 8.1 with bing
takes awhile to get use to.
Reminds me a lot of Android with all its Apps,
especially dislike the hidden charms on sides.
The HP keyboard is black and the letters are
so light that you can not see them without
direct overhead lighting or a desk lamp.
HP really needs to come up with a better keyboard!
The power cord simply hangs or lays off the left side
of the laptop. USB ports on each side of laptop.
(Would be better if they connected in back)
I have only used it a couple of days & it does not
impress me. I would not recommend this HP
style laptop to anyone, unless they have a USB
(Bluetooth) wireless keyboard and wireless mouse.