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There's a reason some driving schools have a steering wheel on the passenger side

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  • There's a reason some driving schools have a steering wheel on the passenger side

    My DS who turned 18 last month had his second road test today, having failed a little while ago. He has been practicing a lot and gotten much better, but like most of us, does not like to parallel park and up here we rarely have to do it.

    This morning we went out for a last bit of practice. We pulled up ( a little too close to the car for my liking) and he proceeded. Pulled back to the B pillar and he cut the wheel all the way to the right, lined up with the bumper and he cuts it all the way to the left. I'm like stop....this isn't how you do it....and proceeds to skim the paint off the bumper of that pretty late model Nissan.

    Granted there was a bit going on. A van right behind him. A woman walking in the street right in front of him. Still I wish I had that over ride steering wheel.

    We did the right thing. I got out and rang the bell and the woman took a look at her car. She asked if I wanted to call my insurance company and I look at that little scrape and say "Please no. That is such a little bit of damage, my deductible is $500". I have never had an incident with my car in all the years I have been insured with them or any other insurer for that matter. We exchange information and drive off.

    I tell her to get two or three estimates and I will write her a check. Figuring what is it going to be $200 - $250?

    She calls me a couple of hours later and says she got an estimate at XYZ collision and it's $726.34. ACK! I say you have gt to get a second estimate. I usually do nothing without 3 bids. Hold on let me call my mechanic and I will get a company from him.

    I love Charlie. He is a businessman but I always have felt he has treated me fairly in the 18 years I have gone there. He's right up there with Fred my accountant.

    He gives me ABC Collision Center right across the street from him. I call this really very nice woman back and she takes her car to ABC. Calls me back with an estimate from them at $574.26. I met her there 10 minutes later and wrote a check to ABC. Her appointment is a week from Tuesday.

    So yeah it was an expensive day but I can't say it was an awful day. This woman really could have been a witch and caused a lot of issues. I couldn't thank her enough for her kindness about this.

    And yes I stopped across the street and thanked Charlie.

    PS: We went off to another area, where I demonstrated how I was taught when the earth was cooling. Pull back to the B pillar. Cut the wheel all the way to the right. Line up with the bumper and go back straight. THEN cut all the way to the left and park. DS did it 3 times in secession and passed his driver's test. God help me. He couldn't apologize enough. My answer? Pumpkin I hope that is the worst "accident" you ever have in your life.

    PPS: I really miss the days of chrome bumpers.
    There are many wonderful places in the world, but one of my favourite places is on the back of my horse.
    - Rolf Kopfle

  • #2
    Shortly after DS #1 had just started driving, I came home from work one day, and found him waiting to tell me about how he scraped the side of the car door on one of the posts at the front side of our carport. No significant damage to the carport, but the car had an pretty ugly streak on the side about five feet long.

    He thought I was going to be mad. I wasn't. I told him I had been telling him not to cut his corners when making a turn, and now he had a lesson. And if he needed something like that to learn the lesson, I was much happier having him learn by clipping the carport than by clipping a pedestrian standing on a corner or a car waiting near the intersection.
    “Maybe you shouldn't dress like that.”

    “This is a blouse and skirt. I don't know what you're talking about.”

    “You shouldn't wear that body.”


    • #3
      But did he pass the road test??


      • #4
        Originally posted by T. R. Oglodyte View Post
        Shortly after DS #1 had just started driving, I came home from work one day, and found him waiting to tell me about how he scraped the side of the car door on one of the posts at the front side of our carport. No significant damage to the carport, but the car had an pretty ugly streak on the side about five feet long.

        He thought I was going to be mad. I wasn't. I told him I had been telling him not to cut his corners when making a turn, and now he had a lesson. And if he needed something like that to learn the lesson, I was much happier having him learn by clipping the carport than by clipping a pedestrian standing on a corner or a car waiting near the intersection.
        You and I share the same mindset, of course.

        Originally posted by jackio View Post
        But did he pass the road test??
        I will never sleep through the night again.
        There are many wonderful places in the world, but one of my favourite places is on the back of my horse.
        - Rolf Kopfle


        • #5
          Originally posted by lawren2 View Post
          She asked if I wanted to call my insurance company and I look at that little scrape and say "Please no. That is such a little bit of damage, my deductible is $500". I have never had an incident with my car in all the years I have been insured with them or any other insurer for that matter. We exchange information and drive off.
          I scraped a car in the school parking lot once; a lovely cougar. Left a note and dad paid cash. He was really cool about it. The time I took a corner on a dirt road too fast and gouged a big hunk of rubber out of the side of the tire I sure heard about it, though. My defense is that they'd just put that edging in and I wasn't expecting anything like that on a dirt road; technically true but he knew full well I was going way too fast, so he didn't buy it.

          Originally posted by lawren2 View Post
          I will never sleep through the night again.

          My mom slept better after I started driving, because she thought I was a better driver than the people I'd been getting rides from.

          Eldest son kind of lost interest in getting a drivers license a while back; at the time I was all for that, but now he's biking to work a couple of times a work, and first I read the book Traffic (which talks about studies showing a fair percentage of drivers don't see motorcycles, let alone bicycles, and then son keeps telling horror stories about drivers he's dealt with.

          Whether the kid drives or not, they hit a certain age, and Mom's just get no sleep, I'm thinkin'.


          • #6
            My son is almost 16 and still has no interest in taking driver's ed. He could have gotten his permit at age 15 1/2. It takes a minimum of 6 months to get the license after having a permit. I was pushing it for a while, but then realized that our car time is pretty important. So, driving him around isn't so bad after all.

            Plus, pretty much every day, no exaggeration, I get cut off or almost sideswiped. Too many drivers on the road and too many of them are on the phone.

            I understand the above concern about riding a bike. Considering how many times I almost get hit when driving or walking my dogs, I'm sure the bicyclists are in constant flight or fight mode.


            • #7
              Originally posted by lawren2 View Post
              You and I share the same mindset, of course.

              I will never sleep through the night again.
              You said it!!
              Then you have to give the lecture: "I don't care WHAT time of night it is, if you even have ONE drink you call me and I will come, no questions asked".
              2 of my children took me up on this, just once each. When they asked me if I was mad I replied "well, it's 4 am so I'm a little annoyed but I am truly really glad you made the call."


              • #8
                Glad he passed. And that he learned a valuable lesson, cheap

                Try to enjoy the convenience of his being able to run errands - it's not much to balance the night terrors, but it's something.


                • #9
                  Just a reminder that they need that talk before they are driving - they need it when they start going out with friends. I gave the talk to my niece when she lived with me and told her that if she even THOUGHT her ride had had drinks to call me, no matter what time, and I'd not only get her but any other kid that needed a ride home. I did get the call one night and took several kids home. Was happy to do it too, even with the loss of beauty sleep that I desperately need!

                  My DD is only 13 but she'll get that talk before she goes out when the time comes.

