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WOW - Congratulations Caitlyn (formerly Bruce) Jenner!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by easyrider View Post
    There is NO way should we make the public restrooms gender neutral every where. While you women might like the idea because of your long waits for a stall , most of us men prefer to pee standing up in front of an urinal.

    So if Ciatlyn was using the urinal next to me I would have an interesting story but if Caitlyn started chating it up while dressed up next to me at the urinal I might have to tell him/her to shut up and to remember your man virtues while in the MENS restroom. Chatting it up with strangers and eye contact is not proper urinal etiquette unless your drunk.
    Why would you think that she would want to be at a urinal next to you?

    Question, do you have a urinal at home? We don't. My husband, and our male guests seem to do just fine in our gender neutral, toilet only, bathrooms.


    • #17
      Lol, Luanne and I cross posted at the same time with the same thoughts.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Glitter Brunello View Post
        Lol, Luanne and I cross posted at the same time with the same thoughts.
        Great minds, and all that........


        • #19
          I was wondering if you two have a public restroom in your house ? I don't. That might be why I don't have an urinal. Probably the same for you two.

          While you are certain of the pee situation, I would bet if Bruce/Caitlyn were at the urinal and had to pick some one to pee next to, he/she might want to pee next to me, as opposed to many others, as I am fairly approachable and have good man virtues.

          This has morphed into the oddest posts I think I have ever been involved in.


          • #20
            Originally posted by easyrider View Post
            I was wondering if you two have a public restroom in your house ? I don't. That might be why I don't have an urinal. Probably the same for you two.

            While you are certain of the pee situation, I would bet if Bruce/Caitlyn were at the urinal and had to pick some one to pee next to, he/she might want to pee next to me, as opposed to many others, as I am fairly approachable and have good man virtues.

            This has morphed into the oddest posts I think I have ever been involved in.
            I think you are making some possibly erroneous assumptions here....

            1) I don't think Caitlyn has any intention of using a public mens room ever again. That is, I believe, the point.
            2) Bruce was attracted to women, and had no interest in your "man virtues." Caitlyn may or may not remain interested in women, but again, she isn't interested in having men's room privileges any longer. This has nothing to do with sexual orientation (gay/straight/etc), but rather gender identity (M or F, etc. ).

            Joking aside, I think you might find some interesting and enlightening insight if you read the Variety article when it comes out. Maybe even watch the upcoming E! series on Bruce's transformation. Have you seen the Diane Sawyer interview?


            • #21
              Does Caitlyn even have any more male parts to even use a urinal?
              Maybe they're gone with the transformation.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Glitter Brunello View Post
                I think you are making some possibly erroneous assumptions here....

                1) I don't think Caitlyn has any intention of using a public mens room ever again. That is, I believe, the point.
                2) Bruce was attracted to women, and had no interest in your "man virtues." Caitlyn may or may not remain interested in women, but again, she isn't interested in having men's room privileges any longer. This has nothing to do with sexual orientation (gay/straight/etc), but rather gender identity (M or F, etc. ).

                Joking aside, I think you might find some interesting and enlightening insight if you read the Variety article when it comes out. Maybe even watch the upcoming E! series on Bruce's transformation. Have you seen the Diane Sawyer interview?
                Most guys do follow the unwritten urinal code regarding public restrooms. Because of my man virtues I am usually clean and properly groomed , especially in public. This is my point on the man virtues.

                No, Im not that interested in learning the reasons why Bruce wants to be Caitlyn. It wouldn't surprise me if this has as much to do with TV ratings as it does with the new transgender rights movement. If it wasn't Bruce Jenner the probability of anyone watching this or actually showing any interest in this would be very low, imo.


                • #23
                  I thought the pictures looked gorgeous too but I bet I would look a lot better too with the help of A list stylists, hair dressers, expensive wigs and extensions, make up artists, and an award winning photographer. I doubt she will look so good running out to get coffee or going to the supermarket. She does look better than ex Kris and Kris has access to all of those things.


                  • #24
                    I do not understand people's obsession with this. I am sure Bruce aka Caitlin is trying to cash in big time on all the publicity but really people, why should anybody care about this.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by JWC View Post
                      I do not understand people's obsession with this. I am sure Bruce aka Caitlin is trying to cash in big time on all the publicity but really people, why should anybody care about this.
                      The world has just gotten a little easier for the transgendered. Being in the human services field, I can appreciate anything to alleviate pain in fellow humans. I work with high school youth and I see students who struggle with this, some more successfully than others. Caitlyn's courage may enable, or even empower, them to accept themselves and for others to accept them.

                      Edited to add.... Of course, some people just like to gossip. They care about Caitlyn for totally different reasons.


                      • #26
                        In school we let our transgender students use the bathroom in the nurse's office, and let them change for gym in there too. They are uncomfortable using either bathroom.
                        These kids have been with the same peers since elementary school, and it takes great courage for them to present as the opposite gender in high school. It would be much easier to graduate and then emerge in college or the workforce as a new person. But the ones who have taken the leap say they could not live the lie any longer and were willing to face the stares, ridicule, and sometimes physical consequences. Very brave.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by jackio View Post
                          In school we let our transgender students use the bathroom in the nurse's office, and let them change for gym in there too. They are uncomfortable using either bathroom.
                          These kids have been with the same peers since elementary school, and it takes great courage for them to present as the opposite gender in high school. It would be much easier to graduate and then emerge in college or the workforce as a new person. But the ones who have taken the leap say they could not live the lie any longer and were willing to face the stares, ridicule, and sometimes physical consequences. Very brave.
                          What a compassionate solution your school has come up with. I am hoping that the new Department of Labor Transgender Bathroom Access Best Practices will be adopted by schools and other establishments as well. Big steps, these. http://www.dol.gov/asp/policy-develo...tPractices.pdf


                          • #28


                            • #29
                              This old man's opinion has been completely debunked. "Gender Identity Disorder" is no longer recognized and has even been taken out of the DSM-V (the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). But your reference is testament to the fact that trans* folks remain subject to overwhelming stigma and have a long road ahead.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by JWC View Post
                                I do not understand people's obsession with this. I am sure Bruce aka Caitlin is trying to cash in big time on all the publicity but really people, why should anybody care about this.
                                Do you object to others using their celebrity to advance social causes?

