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WOW - Congratulations Caitlyn (formerly Bruce) Jenner!

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  • #91
    Originally posted by easyrider View Post

    Suddenly, the transgender population are heros
    I don't think the transgender population is being glorified, but rather Caitlyn Jenner's decision to share her journey is, so that the trans population does not feel so isolated, alone, or ostracized.
    Bruce Jenner was an American hero, the best athlete in the world. Young transgender people can look at Caitlyn and say "ok, if this is something the popular, strong, all-american went through, then I am not so weird, and I will be alright".

    Similarly, when Betty Ford entered rehab for alcoholism, no one said drinking to excess was a good thing, but she was a hero for bringing her struggle out in to the open so that others can see that it happens to everyone, and that people can survive it. It "normalized" it.

    **Please do not think I am comparing being an alcoholic to being a transgender. I am merely comparing two people who chose to publicize their struggles and how they achieved peace in their lives **


    • #92
      Yes, I see your point Jacki. I have no problem recognizing this group of transgenders having equal rights as anyone but do have a problem when their rights are elevated above others because of their disorder, such as the use of public restrooms where they may make others feel uncomfortable.

      So Bruce was the odd news last week. This week we have Rachael Dolazal claiming she is an African female even though her Caucasian parents say otherwise. So besides gender we now can pick our race ?


      • #93
        These things must be awfully troubling for you.


        • #94
          Some what so.

          In the recent past, these events would not have been prime time news as they were considered self indulgent degeneracy. Shocking daily news is now boring and outrageous is becoming the new normal. This type of idealism has reached into the daily life of every one, especially children, who are in some school districts taught sex ed curriculum that includes sodomy at a very young age. Currently the educational goal is making kids sex conscious at an early age under the guise of making those few children who have problems feel accepted.

          The depraved are now the righteous and the righteous are now the depraved in the media. Debauchery is the new normal in the media. The result of this is Christian suppression and attacks in the media and in daily life. God bless America is no longer something said in most schools. A kid can get in trouble for saying God bless you when someone sneezes.


          • #95
            Christine Jorgenson in the early 50's and Renee Richards made as much news back made as much news , in fact the only place I read about Caitlin now is on this website.


            • #96
              According to the media, there is an authenticity that determines what you are. The new word is trans-racial in regards to Rachel. This would comically mean that science has less to do with who a person is and it is all about the persons feelings. By the end of this week, Rachel, very much like Bruce, will either be labeled very courageous for coming out as trans - racial by the media and supported by the entire trans - anything movement or maybe this will be seen as you are what you actually are and not what you feel inside.



              • #97
                Transgender is a life destroying mental dis-order according to Dr. Paul McHugh. This guy has the credentials and the knowledge to make this call.


                The transgendered person’s disorder, said Dr. McHugh, is in the person’s “assumption” that they are different than the physical reality of their body, their maleness or femaleness, as assigned by nature. It is a disorder similar to a “dangerously thin” person suffering anorexia who looks in the mirror and thinks they are “overweight,” said McHugh.


                • #98
                  Bill I'm sure one could find an "expert" who would make contrary statements. You seem to have an inordinate fixation on this topic.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by tonyg View Post
                    Bill I'm sure one could find an "expert" who would make contrary statements. You seem to have an inordinate fixation on this topic.
                    No fixation here but a general bad vibe for calling Bruce a hero when science calls him psychotic. You know what really bugs me about this is that there are many mixed up youths and this only makes it tougher for them. Im going with the science instead of the liberal rhetoric on this one. I actually don't see how this help liberals or the gay community in any way.

