I'm starting this topic as it got started over on travel tales over a statement that basically was one wanted to be more active and the others wanted to lay around the pool and basically relax. It sounded like some lack of communication and some feelings got hurt (JMHO)
I have traveled with groups several times (mostly tuggers) and quickly learned if there was something I really, really wanted to do I'd organize it and invite whoever wanted to come to join in. That's what I did with Capt Marvin & Stingray City. It was a delightful trip and the highlight for most of us. I got a lot of thanks upon which I answered, I was just being selfish, I really wanted to do this and hoped a lot would join in.
I went to Boston one year with Kathy Q and it ended up being a LOV group and was fun, altho I was sick as the devil. I really wanted to go to the Boston aquarium and the others wanted to go shopping. ( I rarely go shopping on vacation) so I went alone, ate at Legal Seafood & did the aquarium . I enjoyed it but I would have enjoyed it more had I had someone else to talk to. I really don't like going one way and everyone else going another but I will do it if I think it's something I don't want to miss.
It's really hard to find a perfect traveling partner if you really don't know them. I do try to find out what others want to do when I'm making my plans. shaggy
I have traveled with groups several times (mostly tuggers) and quickly learned if there was something I really, really wanted to do I'd organize it and invite whoever wanted to come to join in. That's what I did with Capt Marvin & Stingray City. It was a delightful trip and the highlight for most of us. I got a lot of thanks upon which I answered, I was just being selfish, I really wanted to do this and hoped a lot would join in.
I went to Boston one year with Kathy Q and it ended up being a LOV group and was fun, altho I was sick as the devil. I really wanted to go to the Boston aquarium and the others wanted to go shopping. ( I rarely go shopping on vacation) so I went alone, ate at Legal Seafood & did the aquarium . I enjoyed it but I would have enjoyed it more had I had someone else to talk to. I really don't like going one way and everyone else going another but I will do it if I think it's something I don't want to miss.
It's really hard to find a perfect traveling partner if you really don't know them. I do try to find out what others want to do when I'm making my plans. shaggy