Is anyone else having a terrible time with grubs this year?
I'm not sure if it's because I had to spend most of my time in FL. last year and didn't get a chance to work on my lawn or if this year is exceptionally bad.
My grass looks terrible.
I also have a black ant nest that seems to have grown to double the size I remember last year.
We spent a good porion of the last 2 weekends putting down lime, pesticides, (which I hate ) and weed killer, along with some fertilzer.
Several years ago I used these nematodes that you sprinkle on the lawn for grub control. They seemed to work pretty good, no grubs for several years, but man oh man, this year is terrible.
I'm not sure if it's because I had to spend most of my time in FL. last year and didn't get a chance to work on my lawn or if this year is exceptionally bad.
My grass looks terrible.
I also have a black ant nest that seems to have grown to double the size I remember last year.
We spent a good porion of the last 2 weekends putting down lime, pesticides, (which I hate ) and weed killer, along with some fertilzer.
Several years ago I used these nematodes that you sprinkle on the lawn for grub control. They seemed to work pretty good, no grubs for several years, but man oh man, this year is terrible.