A single mom w/3 girls is facing foreclosure and we have helped with some money, but would like to find 'real' help for her. She works at our church's day care, but only about 20-25 hours a week in the summer and she has gotten behind in house payments. Her ex moved to another state and not working, so she gets NO child support. We've told her to ask if she could get by with just paying the interest on her mortgage until her full time work comes back. She has been to the Welfare department to seek help, but 'she makes too much' ! $300 + a week (now) with 3 kids, and she makes to much???? Her house payments are over $600 a month. Seems to me I've seen articles that there is somewhere out there that she could go to. Anyone have any suggestions. In the meantime I'm telling some others from church that help is needed for this gal, hoping the church family will step in.