from - Unable to recognize voices, unless it's Sean Connery:
Now later on they talk about monitoring her brain brain activity:
But when you think about it, how rare really is this lady's condition? Within five years of getting married don't all couples begin to lose the ability to recognize their spouses voice when one spouse is talking to the other?
For as long as she could remember a 60-year-old British woman, known only as KH, has been unable to recognize voices, not even the voice of her own daughter. Unless she sees the face of the person speaking, she often has no idea who is talking to her. If her daughter calls on the phone, or an unseen colleague from work says something to her, it’s as if she’s hearing the voice for the first time.
Except when Sean Connery speaks.
Except when Sean Connery speaks.
“We hope that studies with KH's condition will help us better understand a range of issues related to voice recognition,” says Duchaine. “Developmental prosopagnosia has helped us understand the cognitive, neural, and genetic basis of face recognition, and voice agnosia could do the same for voice recognition.”
The research could help not only people like KH, but others who have problems understanding voices due to other kinds of developmental issues or brain damage.
The research could help not only people like KH, but others who have problems understanding voices due to other kinds of developmental issues or brain damage.