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The Hardest Thing I've ever Attempted BAR NONE

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  • The Hardest Thing I've ever Attempted BAR NONE

    I decided I was going to be outside of my normal pattern and if you are going to beat a habit that would be the time to attempt it...ditching cigarettes.

    somebody tell me when the really bad cravings will end!!!! The last 36 hours have been TORTURE. I was OK with day one and day two,. Coming home and putting myself in scenarios where I usually smoke has been VERY DIFFICULT.

    Is it 3 days, a week, when does this cool out?

    There are many wonderful places in the world, but one of my favourite places is on the back of my horse.
    - Rolf Kopfle

  • #2
    No answers for you, but just a vote of recognition. It is very hard to change a long-standing addiction. Congratulations on your start.


    • #3
      It took me years to stop, Tried every thing including acupuncture. around Xmas I got real bad case of Strep throat I could not eat drink or smoke for 8 days. On new years eve I had my last smoke and never looked back, That has been over 20 years but I do recall it took for ever for the cravings to stop and if you drink it gets worse so do not drink It took a good 3 years for the crave to stop fully but it gets better every day just take it one day at a time. And what ever you do do not say it is only one and cheat you will go back if you do. Good Luck
      Timeshareforums Shirts and Mugs on sale now! http://www.cafepress.com/ts4ms


      • #4
        Originally posted by bigfrank View Post
        It took me years to stop, Tried every thing including acupuncture. around Xmas I got real bad case of Strep throat I could not eat drink or smoke for 8 days. On new years eve I had my last smoke and never looked back, That has been over 20 years but I do recall it took for ever for the cravings to stop and if you drink it gets worse so do not drink It took a good 3 years for the crave to stop fully but it gets better every day just take it one day at a time. And what ever you do do not say it is only one and cheat you will go back if you do. Good Luck
        great.....I can't drink either? Lovely. I am taking my best shot at this. No doubt I can do it....just need to know when the worst will be over.
        There are many wonderful places in the world, but one of my favourite places is on the back of my horse.
        - Rolf Kopfle


        • #5
          Lots of from me. I quit many, many years ago, but I was one of the "lucky" ones who was never really addicted. Dh quit when I got pregnant the first time. He quit cold turkey and has never smoked again. That was 23 years ago. I know he was absolutely miserable for a couple of weeks, at least. He took to sucking on cloves to help. It got to the point where we weren't talking, because he'd snap every time I said something to him. While this sounds horrible, it did end.

          I just asked dh and he said it took 10 months for the cravings to go away. Not what you wanted to hear I'm sure.


          • #6
            10 months?

            No I do actually understand that the hard core "must have a cigarette" ends way before that!

            This beginning shiznit sucks. I'm beating it back as best I can but the craving calls and calls....

            If I had a goal; say Saturday or next Tuesday, I could get there. I Think.
            There are many wonderful places in the world, but one of my favourite places is on the back of my horse.
            - Rolf Kopfle


            • #7
              My mom quit after 52 years...

              She did it a few years ago. She says it *still* feels like she's missing her best friend.

              But I think the worst of the craving stuff was over for her by 2 weeks in. She started whatever that antidepressant is that is supposed to mute the cravings. But in classic style for my mom, she didn't wait the 2 weeks to achieve blood levels of the meds before she quit; she started the meds and quit the same day. So by the time she achieved proper blood levels, she was over the worst.

              Good luck to you!!!



              • #8
                Quitting isn't easy, as you know. But you've made a good start. I quit 20 years ago, after being a heavy smoker for many years. Jerry was still smoking (and continued to do so for many years), so cigarettes were always available.

                I realized early on that smoking wasn't a habit to break, it was a lot of little habits. You know, you smoke when you get up in the morning, you smoke after a meal, you smoke when you start the car, you smoke when you exit the grocery store, etc. Those may not be your exact habits, but I'm certain you have some, and each one of them has to be defeated.

                The thing that worked for me was, every time I wanted one, I told myself, "Don't be silly, you don't smoke anymore." NOT, "I don't want it," but "You don't smoke any more." A very positive statement. When I saw Jerry's cigs lying around, I told myself they weren't *mine*. And it worked.

                It took me about five days or a week to realize that I really didn't smoke any more.

                I swore I wouldn't become a "reformed whore" about smoking. And I gotta tell you it took me many years (about ten or twelve) until it really smelled bad...

                You've made a good start. Keep it up. Save the money you'd spend on cigs and put it in a vacation fund, and live it up. Or buy your horses something special.

                Fern Modena
                To email me, click here
                No one can make you feel inferior without your permission--Eleanor Roosevelt


                • #9
                  Originally posted by lawren2
                  10 months?

                  No I do actually understand that the hard core "must have a cigarette" ends way before that!

                  This beginning shiznit sucks. I'm beating it back as best I can but the craving calls and calls....

                  If I had a goal; say Saturday or next Tuesday, I could get there. I Think.
                  Lawren, your goal is one day at a time. I've always figured I could do anything for one day.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Fern View Post
                    Quitting isn't easy, as you know. But you've made a good start. I quit 20 years ago, after being a heavy smoker for many years. Jerry was still smoking (and continued to do so for many years), so cigarettes were always available.

                    I realized early on that smoking wasn't a habit to break, it was a lot of little habits. You know, you smoke when you get up in the morning, you smoke after a meal, you smoke when you start the car, you smoke when you exit the grocery store, etc. Those may not be your exact habits, but I'm certain you have some, and each one of them has to be defeated.

                    The thing that worked for me was, every time I wanted one, I told myself, "Don't be silly, you don't smoke anymore." NOT, "I don't want it," but "You don't smoke any more." A very positive statement. When I saw Jerry's cigs lying around, I told myself they weren't *mine*. And it worked.

                    It took me about five days or a week to realize that I really didn't smoke any more.

                    I swore I wouldn't become a "reformed whore" about smoking.
                    And I gotta tell you it took me many years (about ten or twelve) until it really smelled bad...

                    You've made a good start. Keep it up. Save the money you'd spend on cigs and put it in a vacation fund, and live it up. Or buy your horses something special.

                    alright Fern that is very amusing! "A reformed whore".....LOL. I was following all sorts of folks this past week just to smell the smoke!

                    God bless you for being able to quit with another smoker in your house. I have all I can handle with just me.

                    Thinking about how embarassing this will be if I don't accomplish the goal. Perhaps why I have been so bold as to do so.

                    I want this habit GONE!
                    There are many wonderful places in the world, but one of my favourite places is on the back of my horse.
                    - Rolf Kopfle


                    • #11
                      Just think, you can look forward to the day when you too can become an obnoxious ex-smoker.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Luanne
                        Just think, you can look forward to the day when you too can become an obnoxious ex-smoker.
                        I will never be an obnoxious ex-smoker because I understand it so well. Sitting here on day 3 grinding my teeth, wishing and hoping and praying for a cigarette....no no no.

                        People say certain drugs are difficult to give up, and they are....cigarettes are ridiculously hard.
                        There are many wonderful places in the world, but one of my favourite places is on the back of my horse.
                        - Rolf Kopfle


                        • #13
                          Good Luck

                          Good luck. I never smoked but DH did. He quit over 20 years ago. With all of his health problems, the doctor's have told him he'd be dead if he still smoked.

                          Good luck again,


                          • #14
                            Quiting smoking was one of the most difficult things I ever did, and that was on May 3, 1978. It took several days for me to not "crave" and each day it got easier. You are actually at the point where it will start getting easier. When I quit smoking was allowed EVERYWHERE....airplanes, trains, in stores, offices, I mean EVERYWHERE.....

                            You can and will do it; think about how much better you will feel and just wait until you have your tastebuds back!

                            “ Peace, if it ever exists, will not be based on the fear of war but on the love of peace. ”

                            — Herman Wouk


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by joycapecod View Post
                              Quiting smoking was one of the most difficult things I ever did, and that was on May 3, 1978. It took several days for me to not "crave" and each day it got easier. You are actually at the point where it will start getting easier. When I quit smoking was allowed EVERYWHERE....airplanes, trains, in stores, offices, I mean EVERYWHERE.....

                              You can and will do it; think about how much better you will feel and just wait until you have your tastebuds back!
                              I guess I might get a bit" fluffy" again?
                              There are many wonderful places in the world, but one of my favourite places is on the back of my horse.
                              - Rolf Kopfle

