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In Disbelief Robin Williams found Dead!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by easyrider View Post
    Really Luanne ? I don't remember another celebrity death that had this much coverage recently. Entire broadcasts are still talking about why and how with experts in the fields of psychiatry disusing depression and substance abuse. Last year when James Gandolfinni died it was mentioned on the news but the news of his death did not monopolize the news casts like Robin Williams death.

    Maybe I should have just said that I enjoyed his new sitcom and will miss it next season. RIP Robin.


    James Gandolfini was a talented actor indeed, and his death was shocking as well. Robin Williams is an exclusive talent that will never be duplicated. His career spans decades, and spans all age groups. He is a comic talent in the stratosphere. The gossip circuit did not follow him like a rabid dog or a sex symbol like the trashians. We took him for granted that he would age gracefully and be immortal. His life was stolen from all of us.
    Flying at MACH4 +


    • #17
      I just read and heard another Robin Williams dealio about the possible reason of his suicide. Im sure there will be all kinds of theories that reflect every aspect of his life. One theory was his death was accidental and similar to David Caradines death. idk. Another is he was depressed because of a lost child. idk

      My point is that the more the news speculatse the more insane the speculation seems, to me anyway.


      The official word is Robin was found partially clothed with superficial slashes on his wrists and his belt around his neck. His belt was wedged in the closet door and he was in a sitting position.

      Senior Member
      Last edited by easyrider; 08-12-2014, 07:32 PM.


      • #18
        Billy Boy (Easyrider) from the Great State of Washington!

        Robin Williams just made the cover of TIME !

        I will be sure to share the digital edition here on the 4MS when it is released tomorrow!
        Flying at MACH4 +


        • #19
          See TIME's commemorative issue on Robin Williams (1951-2014) http://ti.me/1r8BFsc
          Flying at MACH4 +


          • #20
            Easyrider, the reason William's death is being discussed so much is because it was unexpected, a suicide and preventable. He suffered from depression, a disease that affects thousands and often goes untreated. There has been much discussion in political forums about the inclusion of mental health care in the Affordable Care Act. Some folks think it is not a real disease and will never affect them or their loved ones so they resent having it as a mandatory inclusion in their coverage. Robin's death proves that mental health is an important aspect of the well being of all Americans and that it can lead to death. It doesn't have to be a family member to affect you as the outpouring of grief from William's death proves. From his tragic death, some good may result if a few closed minds can be opened.
            The legitimate object of Government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done but cannot do at all or cannot do so well for themselves”- Lincoln


            • #21
              I was a great fan of Robin Williams and considered him to be one of the truly great entertainers and actors. My favorite movie of his was Patch Adams. I just read where he had Parkinson's which may have been a contributing factor to his suicide. I also read where he had financial problems. In any event it is a tragedy that he would want to take his life.


              • #22
                I knew a young woman who had everything going for her, good looks, masters degree, starting in a great career and newly married. She was diagnosed with Lupis and went into a deep depression. She committed suicide at the age of 28. The combination of possible financial trouble, ongoing depression and a diagnoses of Parkinson's could really push someone with depression over the edge.

                My favorite movie of Robin's is Good Morning Vietnam. His skit on the Invention of Golf, done in heavy Scots accent is outstanding. It is on youtube & worth a watch as long as you can ignore the use of profanity.
                The legitimate object of Government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done but cannot do at all or cannot do so well for themselves”- Lincoln


                • #23
                  I still love "Hook". No one could have played an adult Peter Pan better than Robin Williams.

                  When they were filming "Mrs. Doubtfire" the scenes in Bridges restaurant were filmed at Bridges restaurant in Danville, CA. At the time it was a hangout for dh and I. The restaurant was closed down, and the staff was paid, during filming. Some of the staff had small, bit parts in it. They told us afterwards that Robin Williams was on all the time. During breaks he was always entertaining everyone who was around.


                  • #24
                    How sad! I am still in shock and disbelief. I don't have a favourite as I liked so many of his movies. Dead Poet's, Patch Adams, Mrs Doubtfire, etc....


                    • #25
                      Sydney, I agree with your choices, I would add Good Will Hunting also as a fave.
                      The golf skit is an absolute classic.

