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John Adams

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  • John Adams

    Is anyone watching this ?

    Fairly good, but they sort of glossed over the entire Revolutionary war.

    I thought the PBS mini-series was good also, maybe better.

    I lived just around the corner from Abigail Adams' home once. Abigail Adams Birthplace It was nice driving by it every day.


  • #2
    Paul Giamotti

    I started to watch, and I actually want to catch up in HBO on demand. I just can't take Paul Giamotti as a serious character. The other roles he played were just too comical. He played Howard Stern's boss , and also was in Sideways.
    Flying at MACH4 +


    • #3
      I don't have HBO so I'll have to wait for the DVD.


      • #4
        I'm really enjoying it. I loved the David McCollough biography its based on.

        However, I do think they're trying to work a lot of history into a seven-part series. As a result, the timeframes aren't conveyed very well.

        For example, John Adams was in France and Holland for more than three years before Abigail joined him. You don't really get that from the series.

        I don't think they're glossing over the Revolutionary War, though. It's just that, although he was integral in the Independence movement, John Adams really wasn't in the States for a good part of the actual war... and, as a result, didn't really have much of a role.


        • #5
          Saw the clips but don't have HBO. Looking forward to getting it on DVD. It looked great!

          The problem with real life is that there is no background music.


          • #6
            I think he makes a good John Adams as Adams was not the most attactive man "in appearance or manner" per the Boston colonials.

            I hoped that there would be a little more of the war itself with regard to Abigail's minding the homestead, although not much was fought in the Braintree/Weymouth area.

            I do love going to our old burial grounds here and view the old tombstones of those who served in with the Minutemen (I live just 5 miles from Concord) and the Massachusetts Militia. I watch the re-enactment on Patriots' Day whevever I can.

            "By the rude bridge that arched the flood
            Their flag to April's breezed unfurled
            Here once the embattled farmer stood
            And fired the shot heard 'round the world. "


            • #7
              We've been watching, although I had to record last Sunday's episode and haven't watched it yet. I'm enjoying it, and so it DH. Political philosophy was my favorite subject in school and I love to read historical fiction, so this is right up my alley!

              "The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."
              - St. Augustine


              • #8
                By the back roads, I live about 5-6 miles from Concord, 4-5 miles from Walden Pond and Paul Revere was nabbed about 3-4 miles from my house.

                In high school, I was a tour guide on Boston's Freedom Trail.

                Just love this stuff !!!

                Whenever I visit Faneuil Hall, I am still awestruck with what went on in there.

                Adams so loved his country that he successfully defended the soldiers who killed the Colonists in the "Boston Massacre" . He wanted the crown to know that Massachusetts and the other colonies were fair and just.


                • #9
                  What i loved about this series was that it wasn't just an historical record, but also a love story. Me and my wife were drawn into the love story between John and Abagail. I think both actors will get Emmys as well as the series.
                  In Vino Veritas


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Joe L
                    What i loved about this series was that it wasn't just an historical record, but also a love story. Me and my wife were drawn into the love story between John and Abagail. I think both actors will get Emmys as well as the series.

                    One of the great love stories.

                    When I was 15, I read my first novel about them. It was by Irving Stone (wrote some trashy stuff, too) called, "Those Who Love" and piqued my interest on Abigail & John's great, great love stories.
                    Scroll down to customer reviews: Amazon.com: Those Who Love: Irving Stone: Books
                    I especially loved the PBS series, "John & Abigail" which aired last year. It was great !!

