I love the title, reminds me of our own Nurse Jackio...
In a seemingly brilliant promotion move, Showtime has made the pilot available on demand, in advance of the airing tomorrow, June 8th. Usually you have to wait 24 hours after airing to view anything on demand, but it's availabe all week, though I just got 'round to seeing it last night.
Edie Falco is fabulous. Whatever your feelings about the character she plays (Nurse House, with a questionable code of ethics), she's doing a great job playing her. I'm looking forward to the second installment, have Tivo set for a Season Pass...
In a seemingly brilliant promotion move, Showtime has made the pilot available on demand, in advance of the airing tomorrow, June 8th. Usually you have to wait 24 hours after airing to view anything on demand, but it's availabe all week, though I just got 'round to seeing it last night.
Edie Falco is fabulous. Whatever your feelings about the character she plays (Nurse House, with a questionable code of ethics), she's doing a great job playing her. I'm looking forward to the second installment, have Tivo set for a Season Pass...