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Bacon Facts

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  • Bacon Facts

    Bacon is eaten with eggs 71% of the time.

    The inflation-adjusted price of bacon per pound has increased by 40% since 1940 (compare that to gasoline which increased by 158% between 2002 and 2012!).

    The oldest way to cure meat is with salt, which removes moisture and seals the surface from bacteria.

    China began curing pork belly with salt in 1500 BC.

    The bacon eating record of 182 slices in 5 minutes was set in 2015! RESPECT.

    Iowa is the largest pork producing state in the U.S.

    The least popular state for bacon is Hawaii.

    There's a Bacon Glacier and a Bacon Creek in Alaska.

    Kansas State University cooked and gave away 300 pounds of bacon at a basketball game in 2013, three times the amount they anticipated. Oddly Kansas is second to Hawaii for bacon popularity as they consume 26% less bacon than the national average.
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  • #2
    Originally posted by bigfrank View Post
    Bacon is eaten with eggs 71% of the time.
    Now I'm confused. Is that saying that, when you eat eggs, 71% of the time you are also eating bacon, or is it saying that, when you eat bacon, 71% of the time you are also eating eggs. If it's the latter, then I definitely fall squarely within that statistic.


    • #3
      Originally posted by bigfrank View Post
      The least popular state for bacon is Hawaii.
      That's because they prefer Spam.

      - - - Updated - - -

      Originally posted by bigfrank View Post
      The least popular state for bacon is Hawaii.
      That's because they prefer Spam.


      • #4
        Do not fry bacon when you are naked.


        • #5
          Originally posted by tonyg View Post
          Do not fry bacon when you are naked.
          I have a fried who learned that the hard way. uch:


          • #6
            I recently bought an Air Fryer. IMO this was the best way to cook it. No mess and it comes out perfect
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            • #7
              Where's Melvin when we need expertise ?


              • #8
                I tried out some vegetarian bacon last year. I didn't really like or not like it. I haven't bought any since then. Last trip to Mazatlan the buffet didn't have bacon or sausage at breakfast. My friends had to order side plates of the stuff.


                • #9
                  I have a bacon related question for those of you that cook with a bacon press. Where do you put the press when you are flipping and draining the fry pan? It has bacon grease and makes a mess when I put it down but I can't drain while holding it upright.


                  • #10
                    I haven't used a bacon press in decades. Bacon is such a mess than I rarely eat any nowadays. Last I heard it's not good for you.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SallyHoover View Post
                      I have a bacon related question for those of you that cook with a bacon press. Where do you put the press when you are flipping and draining the fry pan? It has bacon grease and makes a mess when I put it down but I can't drain while holding it upright.

                      First we warm the Press over a flame, When we flip we put it on a glass cutting bord
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                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SallyHoover View Post
                        I have a bacon related question for those of you that cook with a bacon press. Where do you put the press when you are flipping and draining the fry pan? It has bacon grease and makes a mess when I put it down but I can't drain while holding it upright.

                        First we warm the Press over a flame, When we flip we put it on a glass cutting bord
                        Timeshareforums Shirts and Mugs on sale now! http://www.cafepress.com/ts4ms


                        • #13
                          Wow, those bacon facts are quite eye-opening!


                          • #14
                            Personally, I've always enjoyed bacon occasionally with eggs, but lately, I've been focusing more on healthier eating habits.

                            I recently stumbled upon a fantastic online shop where I can order all organic natural foods. This discovery has made a big difference in my life—it's not only convenient but also ensures I'm getting the best quality ingredients without having to spend hours at the grocery store.

                            If anyone's curious about where to find organic natural foods online, feel free to ask! While bacon might have its fun facts and records, there's nothing like the satisfaction of knowing you're making nutritious choices for your body.
                            Junior Member
                            Last edited by Saitama; 06-24-2024, 10:06 AM.

