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  • Bali

    Has anyone been to/used a TS in Bali? I'm considering taking a trip there, and my only point of reference is a co-workers son who went there for his honeymoon. I was looking into it, and see that they have an elephant reserve where you can ride them and they paint pictures. However, being a big animal advocate, I'm concerned that I'll be fueling a fire of mistreatment. The websites all say it's good, and they take care of the animals...but you never know.


  • #2
    Best idea is to go and have a look at the reserve and check out the condition of the animals. It might be that your tourist dollar helps feed and keep the elephants from starving. Bali's economy has really suffered from the downturn in tourism since the "Bali bombings".

    I've spent quite a lot of time in Bali but haven't been back for 7 years now. I will probably go again this year or next. I did spend a week at the timeshare in Candi Dasa - Bali Shangrila Beach Resort.

    Where are you thinking of staying?


    • #3
      That is true. I was reading that tourism is back on an upswing after many years of bad publicity. So I was hoping it would be. My coworkers son had a wonderful time, but that was about 1 1/2 yrs ago.

      I am still very early in the "planning" stage. At this point, the friend that will be traveling with me and I are deciding between Bali and Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.


      • #4
        From all the reports I've heard, Bali is getting back on its feet (many Australians holiday there).

        For more info, see if you can get a copy of the Lonely Planet book

        Best of Bali Travel Guide
        Lonely Planet Guidebooks

        I have found their books comprehensive and very useful.


        • #5
          One of our members spends six months a year there and loves it. Hopefully he will check in and answer your question. I can't comment on your other possibilities, but I honeymooned in Bali (many moons ago), and hope one day to return, the place and the people are magical.


          • #6


            • #7

              Ravin Maniac,Hi,
              jimbosee here,from Melbourne,Australia.My wife and I spend from the end of March,until the end of November in Bali,and we love it.A daughter,daughter-in-law and 4 grand children went to the Steve Irwin recommended Elephant Park and loved it.Bali's best weather is June,July,August,September,however the weather is always warm to hot and the wet season is December,January,February,March.Both I I AND RCI have timeshare product there,however Dail an Exchange may be better,if you are not a member you can join online for free,and DAE's charges are lower,and when you are a member you can view Exchanges and bonus weeks live online,Anything else I can help you with please ask.Regards Jim Seedsman

              "Where ignorance is bliss,'tis folly to be wise"


              • #8
                Originally posted by jimbosee
                Ravin Maniac,Hi,
                jimbosee here,from Melbourne,Australia.My wife and I spend from the end of March,until the end of November in Bali,and we love it.A daughter,daughter-in-law and 4 grand children went to the Steve Irwin recommended Elephant Park and loved it.Bali's best weather is June,July,August,September,however the weather is always warm to hot and the wet season is December,January,February,March.Both I I AND RCI have timeshare product there,however Dail an Exchange may be better,if you are not a member you can join online for free,and DAE's charges are lower,and when you are a member you can view Exchanges and bonus weeks live online,Anything else I can help you with please ask.Regards Jim Seedsman

                Great to see you here, Jim, I was hoping you'd check this thread.

