I have a unit on 24 hr hold because if it's what I think it is I really WANT it!! I believe it is the same as the Ritz with a name change. I got a studio which has the full kitchen. I have stayed at the original Taino which everyone hated but me. Does anyone have any updated info? Can someone confirm what I am thinkng. TIA Hugs Shaggy
PS this is for JUly 18th 2009 (4 days after Kelli's bd) This is the longest I've had anything in the bank but I have been unable to pull the Manhatten Club or anything else that I've been interested in.
PS this is for JUly 18th 2009 (4 days after Kelli's bd) This is the longest I've had anything in the bank but I have been unable to pull the Manhatten Club or anything else that I've been interested in.