After Valentino walked away from me, Sini, and The MANAGEMENT at Mayan in the Riviera Maya just to told me on 12 Jan 2012 2:30 pm CST:
Our company is better off financially if you DO NOT change your contract (by upgrading).
And YOU are NOT allowed to come to a presentation because I (Sini) have already TOLD YOU everything YOU need to know.
Many Mayan employees witnessed this. Now I need to tell my husband. Granted we own a TON of timeshares and do not need Mayan.
I plan to stay in bed on Friday, 13 Jan 2012 because their is a FULL MOON and we just want to get out of here after arriving in Cancun 15Nov2012. We are scheduled to check out on 14Jan 2012. Last year they gave us 10% off the bill since they knew we had met and spoken to Sini.
Granted, Sini had offered to submit a PROPOSAL to the COMPTROLLER of Mayan in NV asking for a waiver of the NEW CLAUSE that stipulates that ALL Addendums in prior contracts like SC1 (no maintenance fees for register weeks after age 77 (My husband is 85.) are null and void in the new contract. BUT he said that even the comptroller would not allow us to keep PROFILE A like 12 months in advance for reservations and the right to reserve all but Christmas, NY, Holy week or Easter.
Sini said the NEW clause requiring that we surrender the right to use REGISTER weeks in consecutive months of February or March could NOT be removed from an upgraded contract.
5 year renovation due on 28Feb2012
Purchase date: 5Jan2012
ID 15231/MRY1480/MSMRICR4802,MSMRICR4803,MSMRICR4804,4805
5 year renovation due (We were told 28Feb2012 but Sini says we were told wrong and are past due
Purchase date: 13Dec2012
Since were aware that renovation fees were coming due and were in Mexico for six months last year we got these quotes:
- Mayan in Mayan Riviera 6 x about $10,000 to DOWNGRADE from 6 weeks of 2 bedroom to 6 weeks of 1 bedroom
-Mayan in NV - $30,000 for the SAME as above
-Mayan in Mazatan - $3,000 for the SAME as above
Sini said we owe Mayan:
$4700 If we do NOTHING regardless for renovation
$6800 (3400 per contract to change ANYTHING)
PLUS upgrade fee EVEN if we DOWNGRADE the time
I guess if we made 6 x 2 bedroom units at Mayan Palace become 6 x 1 bedroom units at Mayan Palace (essentially giving up the adjacent studio) it should cost us about $75,000 or so.
I feel a bit STUNNED so I thought I would ask my friends in cyberspace what they think.
Our company is better off financially if you DO NOT change your contract (by upgrading).
And YOU are NOT allowed to come to a presentation because I (Sini) have already TOLD YOU everything YOU need to know.
Many Mayan employees witnessed this. Now I need to tell my husband. Granted we own a TON of timeshares and do not need Mayan.
I plan to stay in bed on Friday, 13 Jan 2012 because their is a FULL MOON and we just want to get out of here after arriving in Cancun 15Nov2012. We are scheduled to check out on 14Jan 2012. Last year they gave us 10% off the bill since they knew we had met and spoken to Sini.
Granted, Sini had offered to submit a PROPOSAL to the COMPTROLLER of Mayan in NV asking for a waiver of the NEW CLAUSE that stipulates that ALL Addendums in prior contracts like SC1 (no maintenance fees for register weeks after age 77 (My husband is 85.) are null and void in the new contract. BUT he said that even the comptroller would not allow us to keep PROFILE A like 12 months in advance for reservations and the right to reserve all but Christmas, NY, Holy week or Easter.
Sini said the NEW clause requiring that we surrender the right to use REGISTER weeks in consecutive months of February or March could NOT be removed from an upgraded contract.
5 year renovation due on 28Feb2012
Purchase date: 5Jan2012
ID 15231/MRY1480/MSMRICR4802,MSMRICR4803,MSMRICR4804,4805
5 year renovation due (We were told 28Feb2012 but Sini says we were told wrong and are past due
Purchase date: 13Dec2012
Since were aware that renovation fees were coming due and were in Mexico for six months last year we got these quotes:
- Mayan in Mayan Riviera 6 x about $10,000 to DOWNGRADE from 6 weeks of 2 bedroom to 6 weeks of 1 bedroom
-Mayan in NV - $30,000 for the SAME as above
-Mayan in Mazatan - $3,000 for the SAME as above
Sini said we owe Mayan:
$4700 If we do NOTHING regardless for renovation
$6800 (3400 per contract to change ANYTHING)
PLUS upgrade fee EVEN if we DOWNGRADE the time
I guess if we made 6 x 2 bedroom units at Mayan Palace become 6 x 1 bedroom units at Mayan Palace (essentially giving up the adjacent studio) it should cost us about $75,000 or so.
I feel a bit STUNNED so I thought I would ask my friends in cyberspace what they think.